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Everything posted by Fernando_

  1. put my stream on the front page @olympus admins
  2. I dont know why you are talking you tried to make me and tom feel bad for you because you had "Cancer" still got denied xd.
  3. https://gyazo.com/3684c5d3fc01202505c2d6a1ae54114f offer 1 crater
  4. Mar-10 offer
  5. I have pilot coveralls and ha special carrier rig the one from bw
  6. 157
  7. 1
  8. Enter
  9. "Gang Wars"
  10. Bloodmoon owes me 2 mil
  11. Pay up or get hit
  12. Are u buying my dude
  13. What happens to the special clothing for the gang wars winners?
  14. D Carrier lites E F i b S
  15. 11,857Total Members Asylum 14,200Total Members Olympus ??????
  16. Help me moderated abuse
  17. xd playlist Tryhard playlist
  18. lol you fought at a dp you must be a god. Asylum gang wars happend at a "Cartel"
  19. https://gyazo.com/7a7d021f6e54de066b21dfebb2125047
  20. Lolll you have N E V E R won a cartel against us gang wars IV you lost to VX, you refuse to fight us b/c you will get wiped. for example when complexity and ti were together moob refused to play b/c 3 rip got unbanned you guys stay getting wiped retards. Hey congrats only took you 1-2 years to win a Gang wars at a dp.
  21. Lol at least i have a neck. https://gyazo.com/b556f899f314efcdce6f4d50877e9353
  22. https://gyazo.com/cd37760fd44c3b3276b7b225bdc8dc3f Keep it private retard 300+
  23. lolllllllllll ill gyazo unprivate your steam acc right now or gyazo ur self.
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