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Everything posted by Homicide

  1. This goes out to all my OS Real Nibbas @Ignis @McDili @Dante @Jesse @DeadPool Except these 2 nibbas They Not Real LOL @Google @MrBoonie
  2. @MrBoonie first off check the forums ive never posted a montage second by just saying that irl you can fight me and beat me goes to show u are an internet thug nigga please u aint hood priveledged man
  3. Why ya keep bullying him like wtf thats why newer ppl leave cuz of jerks like you guys he's just trying to have some fun @MrBoonie no one bullies ur ass when u do ur gay as memes oh wait yea we do lol
  4. What do u guys think of Homicides first montage ever be a CopTage

  5. Its funny how you see any status that @Google is involved in and to be honest hes more toxic than me but thats who ppl want as civ rep i just hope when he has officially won civ rep along side deadpool he changes this toxicity not good and dosent make you look like civ rep material i used to be super toxic and it got me more enemies than friends since changing my ways i now have more friends in the community and more respect from ppl just a few that still dont like me but ok your loss on a good person to be a friend 

    1. DeadPool


      Straight facts. I have only seen failed exsposure post and nothing just benefits Olympus only himself.

    2. Homicide


      Yea but you know the ppl have chosen him much we cant do now maybe next time i run ill win just make the best of it deadpool you have been a great civ rep bro you got my respect matter fact i voted for u before i voted for myself 

  6. Just want to let the community know that tonight I will be in S1 at 8 then S2 at 9 then S3 at 10 Campaning for Votes Come say hello and see why I should be ur next Civ Rep Eastern Time by the way

    1. QKSILVR73


      Vote for Homicide

  7. How is anyone even voting for @Google this kid isnt even fron Olympus granted he has the hours to run but he dosent have the hours to deserve the right to be known as a Civ Rep hasent been in this community long enough and dosent even play civ So how can he know what this community and server needs for civilan.VOTE HOMICIDE AND DEADPOOL @DeadPool

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Linka


      Homicide, no offense man but i don’t want someone who can hardly write to represent me 

    3. Homicide


      I mean I can write real articulate if you want is this ok lol Just because I may write different dont mean nothing 

  8. Hey how is everyones morning? Hope everyone has a good day today

  9. Its just a meme guys for the fun hope ya enjoy
  10. 4 real dosent make sense to give development more work that really isnt needed
  11. Baboon Patrol on full Swing!!!!!!! Check Da Stream Ma Ppl!!!!


  12. That happened to me once all I did was reset my computer
  13. Word he truly was strong for dealing with it for so long
  14. Its called negotiation jeez what u buy shit from ppl for watever price they tell u man u have to haggle aight deal ill be on later after 9pm is dat ok
  15. Tune in for my stream Campaining for Civ Rep Come Check it out 

    1. ikiled


      would tune in if I didn't have so much work. School life is rough life.

  16. o7 man please get all the help you need your a cool dude always enjoyed playing with you man and in here if u need anyone to talk to bro message me anytime best of luck my friend
  17. I mean some ppl are so insensitive i actually knew him and played with him many times he was a cool dude and a respected member of this community Ur a mong why dont u hop on this dickwagon stop being so insensitive jeez i try to be non toxic and shit but retards like u ruin it So true so for some of u ppl in our community who might be suffering from the same thing our Friend sociopathic went thru i encourage u please get some help and if u dont feel comfortable talking to someone professional u can also find closure and help in some of our community members.Some of us are actually ppl that would listen to others problems and try to herlp in anyway
  18. Yeah he was one of the greats
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