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Status Replies posted by Homicide

  1. Happy Father’s Day to the fellas with children here. 

  2. Dont forget guys get that free Copy of For Honor u have till monday on U play its Dope  ass fuck 

    1. Homicide


      Yea hes banned on the forums right 

      like i was 4th place just impeach him and put me lol

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

    1. Homicide


      Someone pleas ban this retard of the forums we all know hes not in a wheelchair from what i hear its a joke but to even make fun of ppl in wheelchairs is not cool just my opinion from newly appointed support member HOMICIDE

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3.  hey how is everyones day so far 

  4. Ya boy got Support Team Just wanna thank all the Senior Support Team For Giving me a chance to prove my worth to this community. Guys Shows alot that with a lil bit of change and taking ppls constructive criticism as what it is instead of taking it in offense like i used to i just took it all in and started to change my ways thanks @thor. and @hawk For The Test 

  5. Ya boy got Support Team Just wanna thank all the Senior Support Team For Giving me a chance to prove my worth to this community. Guys Shows alot that with a lil bit of change and taking ppls constructive criticism as what it is instead of taking it in offense like i used to i just took it all in and started to change my ways thanks @thor. and @hawk For The Test 

  6. What do civs want now?

    1. Homicide


      @Google Thanks for the input i really like the idea i think it will bring more fights to cartel cuz now theres something to fight for it 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  7. What do civs want now?

    1. Homicide


      Cartels system where we have to fight for the money that way ppl can actually fight cartels instead of capping it for gang funds

      Then whoever owns the cartel can take the acumulated money make the gold trader a Gold and Money Laundering place and take the clean money and put it in gang funds 

      Yes like Asylum played there a few times and actually like that cartel idea 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hello my fellow Olympians I started a GoFundMe for car repairs ppl here that know me know my situation and things about my life All is appreciated and you guys just taking the time to look at its appreciated Thanks in Advance


  9. Hello my fellow Olympians I started a GoFundMe for car repairs ppl here that know me know my situation and things about my life All is appreciated and you guys just taking the time to look at its appreciated Thanks in Advance


  10. Just wanted to thank everyone for all the support yall have giving me. I will do my best in my new position and if there is anything I can help out on please don't hesitate to ask! :D

  11. does anyone have pics of all the call outs for Cartels and federal events need it for my gangs discord please thanks 

  12. does anyone have pics of all the call outs for Cartels and federal events need it for my gangs discord please thanks 

  13. Daughters Birthday Stream Come Check It Out 


  14. SCribble For Moderator Or Riot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Funny How Serenity Stream snipes u and deny it lol  fuking tards 

    1. Homicide


      its 4 ppl but yea Krispy knows where im coming from thanks bro i appreciate the thoughts man 

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  16. Funny How Serenity Stream snipes u and deny it lol  fuking tards 

    1. Homicide


      Well I stream when I'm not taking care of them and tea Dante I did get streaming sniped putting a report in I have hard evidence and thank u and Nerdy for what u said u stream to be able to supply more income beacuse SSI they get isn't enough he's just a kid but now u know why I stream and ppl love my streams and they be lit everyday or night like I said get to know a person first I'm sorry for sister and what happened to ur mom that is painful and I'm not mad at u just need to grow up a bit man I had to grow up at a young age and help my grandma raise my brothers and sisters beacuse u dint have the luxury of having living parents like u man just simmer down a bit life isn't about who's the most toxic man

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

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