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Status Replies posted by Homicide

  1. I'm super excited to see what @Peter Long Brings to olympus as new owner 

    1. Homicide


      IDK what more u can bring to a dead game he bought Olympus at a time where Arma 3 will soon seized to exist in my opinion he got a bad business deal and Mcdili sold it before it was to late

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. TBH Dumbness Cannot be cured ohh and before u comment that im dumb about my spelling I know So i cannot be cured LOL 

    1. Homicide


      @lou25000 Can u not be a keyboard warrior hater Damm you know im not even mad at u just feel bad that you aint get enough love in ur life that u have to hate others for it 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Any of y'all wanna take my psychology survey and help a brother out....

    Click Here

  4. Paying serious money for a copy of that perm PO list boys 

    I wanna see how much effort was put in to make this :lol:

    1. Homicide


      @thor I dont need that dumbass website bro i dont care about grammar this is the internet who gives a fuck i can write with perfect punctuation i just choose not to when i was in high school i took AP English courses and i was in AP creative writing I just write like this cuz IDGAF i aint here to write a fuking essay 

      @Panda :) Couldn't have said it better myself. Best answer you can give someone. See I can use good grammar. LOL 

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  5. Paying serious money for a copy of that perm PO list boys 

    I wanna see how much effort was put in to make this :lol:

    1. Homicide


      Yea but i got a test and i wouldve been Corp already if i did alot of work the past month i olny did my minimun but the point im tryn to say is that i got a shot at it so can everyone else

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  6. Paying serious money for a copy of that perm PO list boys 

    I wanna see how much effort was put in to make this :lol:

    1. Homicide


      People need to stop beacuse i got a corp test so i know no list exist i hope to one day soon get another chance at it 

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  7. what kind of supplements do you guys use if any for working out and why?

    1. Homicide


      True dat @Dante I know like back in the day when i was growing up it was the people who did the competition that used supplements 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. what kind of supplements do you guys use if any for working out and why?

    1. Homicide


      Man whatever happened to Good Ole Fashion Working out without those things LOL Whats funny is I would never know cuz im fat LOL 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. 08EC3C7460B7E64D8B67AFBBB32222B8300392BC

    Care to Explain

    1. Homicide


      naw it was Tyrone it wasent me lol but yea he speaks fluent Homicide

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. TBH the olny people who complain about Feds and cops and other dumb shit are either new or just dumb and havent played all sides of olympus to know what balance and fairness is

  11. TBH the olny people who complain about Feds and cops and other dumb shit are either new or just dumb and havent played all sides of olympus to know what balance and fairness is

    1. Homicide


      I mean @SPBojo wasnt talk about u bud sorry was talking about the recent post on waves and fed timers

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. Y'all agree with this poor man that fell victim to the ban hammer? :rolleyes:



    1. Homicide


      fuk thats why i get away with RDM hey dont worry ill dupe more 7.76 for the homies

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Ok guys starting Tommorow I will be on Olympus Full Force Cop Grind Incoming

    1. Homicide


      @JamalJones What are u on about I wasent even pouting i congratulated 2 of my friend s for getting civ rep why would i be upset ill try again in 4 months not a big deal bro why u always hating on me bro hop off my nutzzzz

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hey we are back after a few days i had to take off for Family reasons Im back and stream will be live in 5 minutes 


  15. Tonight I found out my father was found deceased in his trailer.

    Guys, seriously, hold your parents close. You never know when its your last day. 

    1. Homicide


      Sorry for your loss bud I know how it is to lose a parent I lost my dad over 11 years ago and im still dealing with it but you stay strong man life will square It self out in due time 

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  16. For each Stream you post delete your last stream off the status update @Homicide

  17. @Homicide i like hoping on the forums and looking at status updates. I don't wanna see 3 of the 4 slots filled up with your fucking stream...


    1. Homicide


      I mean alot of people care but yea i was told to put it in the forums ill try and not do as much in the future No need to be an asshole @Caleb Snackbar

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. The recent Homicide roast thread has really highlighted how low this community can go. Honestly, I believe we should be slightly more considerate to other people in this community. This is due to none of us knowing about another persons mental health state and or personal situation. I'm aware it's slightly ironic coming from me, due to me being rather toxic at times in the past but I'm well past that now. I hope that just maybe this post might make one or two others think before they post in the future.

    1. Homicide


      @Dante Yea i can attest to that he has always taken action quikly and so has the rest of the staff Peter noticed how heated it got and he tok care of but what Dante has taught me man to man its a 2 way street as well you know. ANd @McDili He aint in this shit for money if that was the case trust me we wouldnt have all these cool things 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  19. The recent Homicide roast thread has really highlighted how low this community can go. Honestly, I believe we should be slightly more considerate to other people in this community. This is due to none of us knowing about another persons mental health state and or personal situation. I'm aware it's slightly ironic coming from me, due to me being rather toxic at times in the past but I'm well past that now. I hope that just maybe this post might make one or two others think before they post in the future.

    1. Homicide


      @Grandma Gary Is right it has always been like this its the internet. But sometimes it goes to far. ITs cool you just get through it and put behind you thats what im doing. I aint even mad nomore. Shit like that you have to let i roll by cuz im not gonna drive myself nuts for no one. 

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. The recent Homicide roast thread has really highlighted how low this community can go. Honestly, I believe we should be slightly more considerate to other people in this community. This is due to none of us knowing about another persons mental health state and or personal situation. I'm aware it's slightly ironic coming from me, due to me being rather toxic at times in the past but I'm well past that now. I hope that just maybe this post might make one or two others think before they post in the future.

    1. Homicide


      Wow @MAV That was deep brother. Respect. On some real shit Dog.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. The recent Homicide roast thread has really highlighted how low this community can go. Honestly, I believe we should be slightly more considerate to other people in this community. This is due to none of us knowing about another persons mental health state and or personal situation. I'm aware it's slightly ironic coming from me, due to me being rather toxic at times in the past but I'm well past that now. I hope that just maybe this post might make one or two others think before they post in the future.

    1. Homicide


      Wow daniel ive never heard you speak like this but then again i have noticed how mature you have gotten in our recnt conversations and im proud of u bud keep it up man

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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