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Everything posted by Ctob

  1. Sorry its been so long, Shit happens in life and you cant be on for a couple of months, BUT IM BACK. Ayyy Happy to be back xD

    1. Goodman


      Down for some panda karaoke?

    2. Ctob
    3. -dante-


      ayyyy. Welcome back, bud!

  2. My weekend montage, God Tier at Arma Confirmed 


    1. Goodman


      RL is overrated. Was Desiigner there? GRRRRRRA PANDA!

    2. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      Im jealous, I should have taken the opportunity to go the Lollapalooza when I lived near Chicago.

    3. Nuski


      I live in Chicago and have never been to Lollapalooza. Is that bad??

  3. Realizing I play cop too much 


    1. TheSkyStarKnight


      1:35 sorry this is not the place to submit player reports, please advert to

      http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ :D



    2. BlackJack


      Hmmm 2:54 that's weird

  4. Whoever did this... I hate you http://prntscr.com/bv15u0

  5. Are we about to hit the donation goal on the first day? :Kappa: 

  6. Welp, that's some crazy inflation! Money Drains please!
  7. Just finished my last final of the year (Chinese). Thanks Gaben

  8. Welcome!!!
  9. Good Luck! Hopefully talk to ya in December!
  10. Ham is a wild motherfucker.
  11. Cop Killing and Cop Montage! First one ever! 


    1. Augustus


      Good shit man

    2. platinumfire


      nice keep up the good work

  12. I fixed it Edit: Don't take this offensively, all in good fun
  13. Ctob

    Bye Guys :)

    Ham, You dont have to leave man. I had a great time role playing with you on medic. You would take me hostage, put me in a car and we would roleplay all the way to ur ded m8s, which would result in your and my execution... Im gonna miss you and hope you realize you should come back.
  14. Who said Deputys cant do anything with PO7s? http://plays.tv/video/573a538b8b47c9e2f2/sick-shot-on-cop

    1. yoitsdanny1


      I mean not really anyone - P07s are deadly

    2. Krisskross
  15. Are Civ Striders still a Donation reward for May?

    1. Talindor


      I am soo glad I donated after that particular perk was gone.

    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      It is not part of the donation rewards for May. 

  16. Shout out to @Talindor on that donation. 

  17. i just wanna beat @Peter Long in rocket leauge
  18. We can all meet in kavala and auction off all Fedots cars.
  19. Is it possible to wipe/ force sell inactive players homes? Players that havent played in 6+ months that occupy multiple houses that are put to no use.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fedot


      @Tman15tmb@Marty It's actually a month and a half (45 days) they get wiped

    3. Tman15tmb


      Thank you @Fedot for clearing that up.

    4. Marty


      oh crap now im not sure if my houses will be wiped while im gone or not

  20. First day as cop, logged 10 hours, rip me. I blame fedot

    1. Danger


      blame fedot for everything!

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