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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. Idiots. You've made a terrible mistake. @xDRO

  2. You should design a sick violin skin.
  3. this
  4. He then immediately logged off and submitted a player report. Just saying. *edit* Like I said, it was also just speculation. I was fully prepared to be wrong on that opinion.
  5. I'm just speculating, but I can't help but wonder if maybe they didn't take the suicide vest seriously since they knew they would just get server comp. Kind of ruins the immersion if that happened.
  6. If an action that normally wouldn't break server rules would in this case break server rules to a clear advantage and benefit of the APD, it should be revised or removed. This situation is too heavily stacked APD side.
  7. I'm not triggered. I'm not mad. I'm trying to give you some advice.
  8. If you're so bored, have you tried quitting Arma for a while instead of incessantly whining on the forums? You do realize that the people that approve you are reading this and forming an opinion of you, right?
  9. So.. we not adjusting Server 3 hours for Thanksgiving break?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Your first mistake was maining 3

    3. Tacosmell


      Give @Creepy what he wants!

    4. I’m NormaL

      I’m NormaL

      Hey Bud Hope Your Having A Wonderful Thanksgiving Today With The Fam :) 

  10. I'm thankful for all of you.
  11. Don't listen to them. If you're wearing black clothes and are running a warpoint loadout and don't want to lose some of them because of pilot helmet, black NVG's would be sick. Probably only like 25-50k, but still sick
  12. Happy Birthday @BananaHammock... too bad you won't see this. :(


    1. BananaHammock


      LOL... I saw it now :D Thanks!!! I've just been super busy with college..

  13. Too soon bro. Too soon.
  14. Creepy

    WTS Armed Huron

    $15 IRL
  15. Sounds like you've never had a boat dropped on your head or been forced into @Grandma Gary's Kavala Space Program.
  16. I accidentally hit people with titan warning shots all the time. I never get banned. You're fine.
  17. Get rid of vigi.
  18. Have you ever talked to him on teamspeak? I believe.
  19. I'm pretty sure that like 10% of support team is old enough to drink. Smells like encouraging minors to underage drink, via the Internet. Real classy Dash. Not weird at all.
  20. Dro hand painted that whole mystery ifrit.. I don't know how much more complex it's supposed to get. The only thing that was "texture copy and paste" were the logos that he placed over the hand done parts.
  21. Sorry boys, no Mystery Machine ifrit is happening. You'll have to find something else to drop on kids in. @Mako doesn't like @xDRO's work.
  22. Fuck you @Hats

    1. Hats


      Love you TO. :wub: btw i miss you

    2. -dante-


      @Creepy he reported you for this post. ;)

    3. Creepy


      ROFL I don't doubt it. Soft as fuck!

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