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Everything posted by Nuski

  1. Hands up or die by c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. babooshka


      I'll die of dehydration before anyone in that gang hits a shot

    3. Rusty


      Hhahahaahahhahahhhahaha babooshka u legend

    4. Nuski


      Babooshka with the legendary roast

  2. To whoever deleted my latest status update.....







    I hope your fish drowns...

  3. inb4 harrasment ban
  4. o no
  5. $1200 a month??? Wtf
  6. #FreeNuski #UnpermNuski 

  7. #FreeNuski

    1. Phizx


      Free ma nigga da campaign!

  8. Is No Mans Sky worth getting??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aress


      you can change the fov 

    3. Trimorphious


      They fixed it? Last I checked I couldn't 

  9. Merica


    1. BlackJack


      Dude OMG can u PM this video this shit if funny asf

  10. What was supposed to be a 30min drive took me 2 and a half hours to get there because Chicago traffic #riplegs

  11. Not sure how you have my Windows Product key just by joining a server but...
  12. "This is not the place to make this kind of post. please visit http://olympus-entertainment.com/complainaboutyourfuckingproblemshere and file the correct type of complaint"
  13. How to never be bored 101:

    Step 1: Lookup "Minecraft Letsplay" on Youtube

    Step 2: Filter results to vids uploaded today

    Step 3: Watch all the videos

    Step 4: Cringe

    Your Welcome

  14. Its 3am and I have no idea what i am doing


  15. Here is your top tier channel art as requested. I dont need payment. Partly because im perma banned and cant even get the money https://gyazo.com/89114027bd2794a8ed0268c7ca8d19f6
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BENJI
    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Nuski keeps posting 'hahhaa' as he's ban evading, not a thing to be proud of. I mean in your case I see Nuski putting 'Permed from Olympus and I ban evade like a big boy' on the CV.

    4. Nuski


      I ban evade like a big boy...

  16. Hey if ALLAH SAVE ME made it onto R&R, so can he
  17. Suck it up and stop being a pussy. I got blacklisted from APD 10 Days before I turned 16.
  18. Not sure if I should cringe or laugh...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuski


      Lol came up in my recommended I never knew about this haha

    3. TheSkyStarKnight


      ah it's pretty great B)

    4. DoctorK


      You should bang your head, like most of the audience was

  19. How 2 rt on olymp forms??
  20. Nuski


    Its 2016. Literally anything you say, there's always that one fuck boi that gets offended.
  21. Will Fedot get my Windows activation key again? Or will he send UDP packets to both ips??? Kek
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