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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. Yes you can, but why vigi though?
  2. When are you able to change your title? is it when your hit 500 posts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. big niko

      big niko

      I just thought someone knew 100% 

    3. PoptartRex


      It is when you hit 1000 and get Commendable Member. 

      Or you can have Gary change it ^_^ 

    4. Snare
  3. Take care Monkeyz and have fun where your going, and also thanks for denying me too prime.
  4. Ability to purchase Hunter's for a limited time of one month. <3

  5. I mean it was a joke but i'll give you like 30k? and I'll give you 350 for all of that aswell. So 380k in total with the hats. And a mill for all all that. Forget the other shit I want the CSATs.
  6. I want.
  7. Jump off a fucking bridge you British piece of shit.
  8. 2 mill for MAR-10 and all the mags?
  9. I mean is a mill okay for the MAR-10 and like a few mags?
  10. How much for an Lethal MAR-10 with all the mags?
  11. Wow that was a good one you fucking retard. Learn to roast you bot.
  12. It's a movie Ignis.
  13. So funny.
  14. Ok thanks. Sorry @CommanderSuki, don't blacklist me.
  15. Full on ID? Like drivers licence?
  16. @CommanderSuki are you ok? What do you mean "Can you prove that"? He told you he was 16?
  17. What does that mean?
  18. o7 Emad, gonna miss you man. Hit me up and give me you Olympus cash.
  19. First Video Suggestions on improvements is welcome Special thanks to [KS] for the interview Enjoy
  20. 1. NATO and AAF Pilot Coveralls. 2. MTP Fatigues. 3. CTRG Uniforms. (Brown and black) 4. More Helmets. (Brown and Black) 5. More Hats and Masks. Small list, will maybe make a post on different clothing that can be added
  21. Lol, I'm sorry but that's just funny.
  22. Go watch PhizX the Perm Ban Vacum's stream twitch.tv/theonlyphizx

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