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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. APD: feds are meant to be hard, just log more people on Civs: *stacks feds with more people* APD:
  2. Yea he just posted a picture of a satirical music video with names on the people, oh noooooo
  3. Do civ hawks have the same armor as APD hawks? Doesn't seem like it because civ hawks lose engine with like 1 rocket.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hoonter


      7 minutes ago, Gregbot said:

      Just don't get hit by a titan :4head:

      Thats what cops do

    3. NexIV


      @Fusah you know all the hitboxes and shit for this stuff right? If it has less I feel like civ hawks should be the same, if not, then beefier than the APD hawks. Cause civ hawks are wayyyyyyyy more expensive and you cant even insure it..

    4. PoptartRex


      There’s already a bug report on it. It’s quite possible they aren’t the same.

  4. Maybe the APD needs to learn how to not push the same spot the whole bw?
  5. Sure have accomplished more than you ever will besides doing brainless OIC's
  6. Yall just can't get a ban to stick can you? :4head:

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. proud


      Yo Charles I don’t think u know but my son Ryan hits the gym ona daily basis he gon put u 6 ft under if u don’t shut that fucking black hole u like to call a mouth

      my son gon fuck u up so don’t fuck wit him 

    3. Savage


      @Ryan thanks for coming at me

      @Charels i just read all this and i realized that ur getting upset over a video game. i went to the same school sy my son ryan and if u think hes a fat virgin behind a keyboard your wrong, go back to your shitty life that consists of spending 8+ hours on a forum page and talking shit to people that do nothing but bring to you what you have fun on

    4. Ryan


      @Savage Sorry buddy had to @ you to prove my point :wub:

  7. 1 huron and armed prowler sold, I don't have the mk taser anymore either.
  8. Change my mind: Medics should be able to be forced to revive someone

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Bugsy


      15 hours ago, RDyer216 said:

      This is less of an issue with RnR, which is why we’re having this conversation.

      In my eyes, this is similar to 3-1 a cop with not zip ties.  Until you restrain him, you don’t get the gear you want.

      If you had restrained the medic, it would have been an official hostage.  It still would have been a grey area in my eyes since he’s receiving conflicting threats from multiple parties.

      Maybe the person denying could have “undenied”? 

      I mean ur wrong, but I’m glad this case is closed.

      Let me ask you @RDyer216 can a medic revive someone while their hands are ziptied? Your argument is that a civ needs to zip tie a medic for the medic to be hostage, but by that the moment the civ unrestrained the medic, then the medic is no longer a hostage. Your such a dipweed. No one restrains a medic anymore unless they are using them to negotiate with police which doesn’t happen anymore tbh.

    3. Richard


      In this specific situation, the medic was going to catch an L regardless of his actions.  I was saying restraining may have shown greater control of the situation.  I am against being able to force revive for multiple reasons.  He was going to get shot either way.

    4. Bugsy


      for future reference always go with @Bloodmoon he’s usually the bigger threat

  9. When do I complain about sapd using hawks? I only complain when they are abused, such as bringing 6 hawks to a 15 something man fed. No point in arguing this further if you're just gonna strawman me. Also APD hanbook updates should be brought to staff meetings if they effect civs.
  10. What you see != what is happening. Out of all feds/bw's we've done we have only seen at most 3 hawks, and a handful of hunters. If apd isn't trying why should they get a buff?
  11. Maybe sapd should utilize their tools. Maybe apd shouldn't push on quadbikes. Maybe apd shouldn't push the same spot for the same fed/bw.
  12. What are you even referring to here lmao? Ares or sapd? If sapd that is on all of you as it was documented as being approved on the civ council blog post, and whoever was representing the apd at the time should be writting down that gets approved/denied. I think you just need to work on your sapd bro lmao.
  13. Glad I could finally get a reply! First off, stop spreading fake news about deerstands being sneaked in. Second, when Ares became owner he said he was going forward with any change approved under Peter. The time to argue against the map change had already passed, maybe run a better sapd or something?
  14. Ha! If you're talking about BW deerstands, they were brought up and approved at a staff meeting!
  15. @Ares BTW none of this was brought up a staff meeting, at least not recently, what a joke.
  16. I would say that anything is better than accepting apps that say "me want cop"
  17. sapd recruits officers that have brains
  18. Never said you can't have an opinion, you're forming your opinion on incorrect pretenses. How am I resorting to insults if I'm still addressing every point you have, and you're still responding to me with false pretenses, like what?
  19. You're retarded. Your forums account was made in june 2018 you have no clue what the old SDAR rule was. I don't see anyone relevent complaining about tools that are properly used and not abused. Take sapd dick out of your mouth and stop talking about stuff you're clueless about, this isn't the way to get FTO.
  20. Here, let me make it go through your thick skull, this is the EXACT system as the old SDAR rule. Like, you're literally retarded, stop putting words in my mouth, pulling 6 hawks for a 13 man fed is abuse, 15 hunters for a 20 man fed is abuse.
  21. Haven't done a fed yet because there's no point in doing one when seniors masslog like 18 lethals on, retard.
  22. Do you not see a trend here? We complain when they are abused buddy.
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