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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Anyone here wanna buy Thermal ENVG's?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Decimus


      so im not seeing no deal. do we have a deal?


    3. Bloodmoon


      Sir, are you trying to purchase my ENVG's with real currency? :4head:

    4. Decimus
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ebzekro


      @SPBojo  Continuing the drama thread here. I actually did just donate a couple of days ago, I just don't do it through the website cause I don't want attention from it. If ya actually think I, or anything for that matter, would spend all the money they had donating to an arma 3 server, God help ya lol

    3. SPBojo


      1 minute ago, Ebzekro said:

      @SPBojo  Continuing the drama thread here. I actually did just donate a couple of days ago, I just don't do it through the website cause I don't want attention from it. If ya actually think I, or anything for that matter, would spend all the money they had donating to an arma 3 server, God help ya lol

      Ive heard that before, im also a millionaire, ive donated probably 2 million to this minecraft server but i sent it through a hidden method so i wont get attention :Kappa:

    4. Ebzekro


      Oh ya totally i'm sure. The best part is I don't gotta prove anything cause what you think is literally irrelevant. Peter can confirm if he wants. I don't really care though tbh. I'm sure you think you're so cool cause you reached that 1k  mark. Congrats. Only took five years. Proud of you.

  2. Bump selling for 15 mil now
  3. Selling my Thermal ENVG's for 15 mil to the first person to reply to this status update.

    1. SPBojo


      I'm just here to annoy you, i dont actually want them

    2. drama
    3. KrispyK


      You take paypal

  4. Selling my ENVG's for 20 mil now, willing to have OS middleman

  5. Bump, selling for 20 mill now.
  6. Bloodmoon


    This is it chief
  7. I have a pair of ENVG's that I will sell for somewhere around 30 mil @bobbylord
  8. Looking for 30 mil, price may be negotiable, PM me if your interested.
  9. Protip: Don't resolve a comp ticket if the guy receiving comp is ingame and unable to receive the money :4head:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -dante-


      28 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      Fun fact: You get the money after restart if that’s the case lmao

      It would save that amount if anything. So if they made 5m in that play through and the Comp was 100k, they would still lose out. So, big dumbs still need to make sure they’re not in game when usin the LC method. 

    3. Arigato


      44 minutes ago, Ryan said:

      Fun fact: You get the money after restart if that’s the case lmao


    4. Ryan


      20 minutes ago, Dante said:

      It would save that amount if anything. So if they made 5m in that play through and the Comp was 100k, they would still lose out. So, big dumbs still need to make sure they’re not in game when usin the LC method. 


      4 minutes ago, Arigato said:


      Smh always find ways to shit on me :( #RyansHaveRights

  10. This ain't it chief
  11. Speaking on matters you are clueless about again , only a minority of my reports are on deputies surprisingly.
  12. Wrong again. In all my APD reports I have never baited, do not speak on matters that you don't know about, and again SAPD preaches record and report, don't be delusional now.
  13. I never run to admins, I couldn't care less about server rule break and don't report unless I lose a decent amount of money. I report APD every chance I get because I'm simply practicing what SAPD preaches, which is record and report. I want to mass downvote @Dante because he meme restricted me on the forums and I couldn't make a rollback comp request all day. I get it though, you're trying to in hopes that you will get noticed by SAPD sooner and don't have to grind.
  14. @Crazychicken5574 Surely you can come up with some better bait. Right?
  15. Funny how when staff mass downvoted @Snare he couldn't get his rep back, so much for a fair system tho Although real talk, you're removing my downvotes cause you know I would get you to 0 eventually
  16. It's not very hard to -10 someone every day lol it takes 30 seconds max and I have no problem doing so for the next year, or when/if ever @Dante reaches 0 rep.
  17. Long enough to see when a person is deep-throating for corp
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