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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. Just give your opinion, as long as the support team rats aren't around you're fine.
  2. Protip: You may combat seize a vehicle when any means despite it being a server rule. 

  3. >2019

    >Thinking this is RVD 🤡


  4. @Rossco This is how you allow your support team members to conduct themselves?
  5. >tfw no greentext on Olympus forums
  6. And plenty more that run around with vibranium armor on a chief whitelist.
  7. -25% send to jail money 150k lethal cap Make illegal items search for what they're currently worth when searched.
  8. Man, not like I'm watching a video with you and another medic breaking rules, just quit again already.
  9. I see a senior medic and you evading arrest and getting piped by a hawk because you didn't follow their instructions. Sounds like enough for me.
  10. Get fucked, good police work officers @rabeed @an overweight giant retard Also the fact that you and that senior still have RnR whitelists shows what a joke faction you guys are.
  11. ------[[__]]-------. DO
    ;-------------------. | YOU
    |                               | | LIKE
    |          DEFIB          | | WHAT
    |                               | | YOU
    | _______________ | / SEE?

  12. 5ea6799fe794ba1e417c7de6220721ba.png


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. billdroid


      Db fed season when there were like 6-8 Db and 25 other random kids per fed

    4. Bloodmoon


      DB fed season when DB was leading every fed 

  13. Listen guys, we're all getting off topic, we all need to get back to getting ChrisGG removed

  14. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Remove ChrisGG

  15. inb4 only 1 person on the server has it. On a different topic tho, they need to stop giving out whitelists like candy, if you step down from a rank then you lose the rank.
  16. Here's how to fix the economy, halve the bank accounts of everyone with a cop whitelist.
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