I'm hosting my own puzzle similar to the one hosted a couple of days ago by admins.
1st place gets 500k. Should be easier than the other one.
Clue 1 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=10y9TM12cpWpSFGCwoiE2g6MAQmC-FWy - Tim = ?
Clue 2 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XFHVdB2GBQmtLznD2nDlpb1PK-7Sx0Ha
Clue 3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_sw9kDYKWc&feature=youtu.be
Clue 4 - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_xM59V6f939rBpALC2Yn048qlNtHgza7
Shut the fuck up you buck toothed hillbilly ass ugly ass I could land a boeing 747 on your forehead bitch dont sell items if the deal is too good to be true fuck trident yall some bitches also fuck your haircut that shit is ugly as fuck my grandma has that type of haircut ugly ass
You can't justify this by just saying cops are bad.
Should we give new players who have little experience no NLR so they can keep rushing back and dying? No, that's stupid. Why do we do it for cops?
I think cops should have to value their life when there is no active federal event.
If we were to make cops pay 25k per revive (outside of federal events) not only will it lead to more strategic play, it will also encourage the use of epi-pens for cops. Right now they just hit respawn and rush back to where they died (which is also bullshit, but I'll save it for another thread).
Whatever you do please make the choices clear. Right now it is a very large grey area and I honestly don't know why rotor tapping is allowed if it causes conflict without proper engagement.
I know you're not the one mainly responsible for rule changes but please consider making a clarification post for these rules.
Yeah I feel like as long as you're not damaging the player you should be allowed to do whatever, whether it be shooting tires, rotor tapping, or even driving in front of a plane if it doesn't cause injury/death.