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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. When could we expect under-glow and all those fun things to be added
  2. my trustfund... gone...
  3. Would anyone be interested in For Honor wagers for Olympus $$? 


  4. Signature image file size reduced? :( 

  5. Awesome content nice work @Gluxdator in particular!
  6. @Gluxdator bless you 100 times I've been so excited for these <3

    1. GluxDesigns


      thanks bro me and @Shades worked hard

    2. Slumberjack


      Hell yeah @Shades good stuff - made me donate more haha

  7. Congrats @Childish and @MAV! well deserved!

  8. Yeah I've heard that many devices connected to the same wifi can mess up battleye, but I only have about 8 or so connected wityh most of them being smart TVs/ Phones. If anything I have more devices at house A, and worse internet there (150mbs) because I pay for that myself since its my lease. house B has 300MB download and I connect to the modem directly via ethernet and only 10ms ping so I don't think that's the issue, I've also restarted it multiple times via unplugging. The launcher is 32 bit but game is 64. I also have a whole SSD devoted to it. How do I connect via params? I normally do connect via launcher but kicks occur. I use ethernet
  9. Yes
  10. One of you fine community members must have some info on this. Clues I have 2 houses, house A, and house B Arma 3 works fine at house A, but at house B, I get battleye kicked every hour or so. I have lost millions in Orcas, Tarus, hummingbirds and have made many dope crates sink to the bottom of the seas, never to be seen again at this point, so I will give away milis to fix this. I have reinstalled battleye, arma 3, restarted internet, verified cache, deleted McAfee and all other 3rd party security services. Nothing works. If Anyone has info on a fix that leads to no battleye kicks over 3 days, I will give you the money in game. It must be something to do with my network config interacting with my pc that makes this break, as it works fine with my house A internet. I use ethernet. Help your friendly neighborhood medic return to Altis, I can't take any more of Black Ops 4. I have resorted to watching sad music loops on YT, don't let it end like this... o7
  11. Anyone know if sedvc process is safe? I don't know what it is and heard it can be a Trojan in some cases. 

    It's contained within a folder called rempl that I cannot delete from my system.

    Am I fucked?

  12. Finished my DATA final with a 69% AHA take that @RDyer216!


    1. Richard


      C’s get degrees baby!!

  14. Proof in the fact I just posted a photo of Creepy Cosby without even realizing... I need some time off
  15. For real though... don't let the hype train take you too far-- Roll it up, smoke it up, play Olympus.
  16. I'm just wasting time so I don't have to take my DATA Final...
  17. 3 son the east coast equivalent of homie, mainly used in new york yo wat up son? hold it down
  18. IDK... If what you're saying is true---> That's a pretty slimy move on asylum's part, and why would one want to be apart of a slime-bucket like that? Also, even if they did manage to commit their "super secret plan of attack", I still don't know how giving us a list of actual cheaters is a bad thing... In any event, I don't believe in jumping on hype trains just because some people on an ugly forum page finally have a decent dev. In any event, You obviously care a lot abt Olympus to make a thread like this so kudos even if I have doubts. <3
  19. Why would we want scripters/ hackers to be on our servers?
  20. I did log onto Asylum for about 40 minutes last night to check it out on civ, and boy was it just an empty and desolate space... Even if they get some cartel fighters, the server is no where near the level of Olympus. In 45 minutes I saw about 5 people while running about Kavala and Pyrgos-- now that's sad tbh... There is so much more that makes this server great than "skilled cartel players" imo
  21. Who are "they"? Do you have names/ examples?
  22. When I first noticed the snowflakes it really took a minute to realize what was going on...

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