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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. All of a sudden the man with a airfield titan house is against titans at airfield.
  2. I thought was I shoot everyone within like 3km of it
  3. It was but Devs love a little bit of copy paste
  4. I've got mar10 taser 2 mk1 tasers and a t4
  5. chip 3 tp 0

    1. monster




      88 0 chip 1 tho real talk

    2. silton


      5 minutes ago, monsterr said:

      88 0 chip 1 tho real talk

      many angry men

  6. chip 1 tp 0

    1. Masonn
    2. monster


      smh too busy trying to give you my ifrit, kids who were playing gate 1 area dont have eyes apparently

  7. VX all over again Put an sdar in your bag or buy grenades dummy
  8. This game plagues his mind never seen someone more obsessed with it.
  9. I did go to meetings back then Deadpool was a flop who was rolled by the sAPD because he wanted Sgt back and couldn't write a paragraph or say a sentence without making himself sound like an idiot.
  10. Deadpool was worse. Stilll mad a 5'4 English guy slapped you around for an hour
  11. Dogshit choice for corporal must feel bad for the kid putting in 70 hours a week. APD is a joke ahaha
  12. You're acting like gangs who'll win have money to buy in bulk. 1D brain staff
  13. Can actually agree with you with but when I made comments on the dog shit designs they just don't care. They think they know better than the people who fight it.
  14. The creature was offered comp aswell can't imagine being this much of a faggot
  15. This happened a week ago get over it retard. Saving clips to get @BLACK BABY BLACK BABY banned for conq fuck you're the gayest cunt
  16. The Five Stages of Grief - Our Domestic Church - Cincinnati, OH


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. silton


      2 minutes ago, Icy said:

      all you can do is send my KD because you have no other argument. sorry kid.

      more implying that you didnt play for tp but yeah youre also dogshit

    3. Icy


      oh wow being bad at a game i'm not gonna be on for the next four months, not to mention arma is dead. there's a reason i don't have an ego about arma: i don't give a fuck. i do, however, give a fuck when a bunch of spineless pricks give a bunch of kids a round they shouldn't have been given.

    4. Woo


      10 minutes ago, Icy said:

      i do, however, give a fuck when a bunch of spineless pricks give a bunch of kids a round they shouldn't have been given.

      must be your first gw huh

  17. You'll play whether it's 12pm or 3pm so relax
  18. No fucking way any earlier these EU kids will play no matter what time.
  19. @ThatNerdyGuy Crazy how some people can break community rules that could shut the server down then get unbanned 2 months on the day then be given support that same day that had to be taken by a dev???? Yet my man has to stayed banned for "ruining the experience of others". Crazy
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