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Monkeysz last won the day on April 22 2018

Monkeysz had the most liked content!


About Monkeysz

  • Birthday 07/21/1998

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Happy Birthday!
    cupcake GIF 

  2. retards....
  3. Why is obama's ballsack not getting unbanned?? if you are unbanning other people obama's ballsack should def be unbanned.

  4. Monkeysz


  5. Congrats Boo @ Tiger I know you have been waiting for this moment for your entire life xx I hope you have a bright future

  6. Congrats @ Orgondo  on becoming a dad!!

    1. Orgondo


      I hate you

  7. 1 I can`t play anymore anyway XD 2 I will be at my Mums wedding so I couldn`t play and to be honest Arma already has consumed 6000+ hours incl ban evading accounts, I`m actually happy to finally stop playing as GW would have been my last time I ever launched arma and as for "1" I wouldn`t have bought them if I could make GW but in the words of Grandma Gary It`s a little after 2 weeks
  8. Haze the only way you`re getting the win is if it`s in a eating contest
  9. I had the first ever armed hurron THAT WAS CLAIMED fuck you MC tards yours blew up doesn`t count I payed 50 when it was the ONLY one on the server and Ghosthawks wasn`t even being considered to be added but as there are actually a few of them now I`d say about 15 Mill is max they aren`t worth it though you they are like paper better of saving for a ghosthawk 3 PO`s can take your blades with 1 mag each and if you have a HQ full of them + Higher ups you are fucked Literally attacked a hq with mine and I had to go store and pull it out after 1/2 flybys
  10. Never said I was on my old main account ;P
  11. What do you mean I was arma last night probably the last time forever it`s a dead game + I found other shit I enjoy playing
  12. Active Gang BTW Missed 2 out but they have the same as most
  13. If I was playing ez win
  14. That clip is so old I`d slap you anyway
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