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Everything posted by Hiii

  1. @ArX paper plate 

    1. arx


      ceramic plate?

  2. i think its the last olympus one or something i heard i know dashtonic is hosting next one i think
  3. whats different this time around cause the roster looks even shitter than last hahah
  4. u can't be joking about that man...
  5. selling a strider cheap just pm me offers

  6. what ever he sells them for i'll do 5 less
  7. Anyone selling a dp 22 2 crater s1

  8. Even when ur on playing arma its with us lol 2 faced snake.
  9. just to add something EVERYTHING in that crate is for auction you can either have 1 mag or all of them
  10. I have all this shit for auction just offer https://gyazo.com/e8b5cf092e70effb90a588b238c593a5 https://gyazo.com/c16d844c7226eb58d361a95ccb3b5e4f
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