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Everything posted by J O E

  1. My heart goes out to this man

    1. monster


      SoUnDs LiKe Me WhEn I gEt RdM'd

  2. New ram too or did you already have ddr4
  3. Hope your gonna get a new motherboard and ram since I'd imagine it will be a different chip set which only supports ddr4
  4. Can someone link me the vid of the we got a warrant out for your arrest guy. Need cheering up 

  5. Tfw when a post was about to be a straight roast fest get closed

  6. Don't trust just tried to buy a 6.5 suppressor and as he got my money he alt f4.
  7. What in the world has happened to the new drug zones, no offence to whoever made em but they look shit

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      2 hours ago, Dante said:

      [VX] Joe speaking for some people! 

      We out here

    3. wowwowwabzee
    4. TRYHARD


      @Mako tbh moonshine is weird as hell with the crates and shit connected to the main building. Just do the house without all the extra crates

  8. HMU for monopoly anytime, we should set up another game
  9. Wdym haven't seen you in months
  10. Ayyy welcome to the duping club.
  11. J O E


    Crack an egg on your head seems to do the trick
  12. Why don't we make the average cop loadout cost more than an average rebel one but since it's an unlimited use then make it like 500k
  13. Gonna miss you bud. Gl out there
  14. If your interested in getting scum watch this mans he is doing a giveaway


  15. Pretty obvious he is talking about the bumlick Sandown.
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