1- Heli Pilot/Crew helmets are for SrAPD and should really be reserved for them / The Pilot Helmet is one of the last things the VIPs have exclusive yet.
2- Wouldnt be bad imo, doesnt tank shots like the CSAT one but havent really tested it
3- Fuck... no.... So if the people who are only on the server for a day or 2 get Go-Karts, they wont really care about being banned, so there will be a lot more of the "Kavala Space Program" and it will be on APD, Civ, AND MEDIC vehicles because they wont care about being banned.
4- So most Vigis dont know the rules that well, I think we can all admit that. Now Imagine a Vigi with a MXC...
5- I posted about that already but Ice Boxes are probably not going to be a thing, as if it was an I menu thing, it would require mods, and if it's a Y menu thing, it would be a pain to code in. Considering a lot of the code used in most servers (including Olympus and still quite a bit for Asylum as well) it would probably be fairly difficult for the Devs to create this on their own.
1-4- Thanks for being constructive... <3
5- It was a thing a while back, but it got exploited a LOT with people
^^^ Yes