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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. Again, this is implying that Vigis follow rules. I have already explained quite a bit of this to you, yet you carelessly just remade the post... idk, maybe get a gang of Vigis and get out of Kavala? Just a thought...
  2. can TPF fight with 1 guy? ;D
  3. Its a joke, calm ur hairy tits and chill
  4. 1- Heli Pilot/Crew helmets are for SrAPD and should really be reserved for them / The Pilot Helmet is one of the last things the VIPs have exclusive yet. 2- Wouldnt be bad imo, doesnt tank shots like the CSAT one but havent really tested it 3- Fuck... no.... So if the people who are only on the server for a day or 2 get Go-Karts, they wont really care about being banned, so there will be a lot more of the "Kavala Space Program" and it will be on APD, Civ, AND MEDIC vehicles because they wont care about being banned. 4- So most Vigis dont know the rules that well, I think we can all admit that. Now Imagine a Vigi with a MXC... 5- I posted about that already but Ice Boxes are probably not going to be a thing, as if it was an I menu thing, it would require mods, and if it's a Y menu thing, it would be a pain to code in. Considering a lot of the code used in most servers (including Olympus and still quite a bit for Asylum as well) it would probably be fairly difficult for the Devs to create this on their own. 6- 1-4- Thanks for being constructive... <3 5- It was a thing a while back, but it got exploited a LOT with people ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ Yes
  5. Brehh.... Did you read what I said in the post?
  6. If the election wasn't so close, I would have voted for him

    "Free American Pony party, or FAP as it is known as"

  7. Not too sure, unless he changed it but it is encrypted so I cant check
  8. So, I know I have said this already, but I dont think I got any feedback from staff. Would you consider bringing back kidneys? I miss my collection that I had of most Olympus Staff from pre-wipe I know there were problems with people taking them from the people that the APD have detained, but a few possible solutions that could be separate or combined are 1. Make the civ scream similar to the "Nut Cracker" or make him scream multiple times 2. Make it take much longer to cut out kidneys 3. If possible, add a text to the APD chat saying "John has cut out Adam's Kidney" similar to the text for lockpicking cars 4. Also if possible, require the civ to be a certain distance away from any APD similar to removing any illegal items Any CONSTRUCTIVE (dont be a lil shit) comments are very much welcome and I hope to hear an opinion from some people. And if all else fails, @Poseidon make the donation goal for kidneys or no balls <3
  9. rip NATO... Was nice while it lasted
  10. 1. Stats page takes Devs 2.News Team takes Devs (but a lot less work that a stats page) and Staff time to get it set up
  11. I think mine is better ;D
  12. I don't think any of us will ever compare to the badassery of these drifting tanks
  13. Hope you get better man!!!
  14. Make November donations to bring back kidneys or no balls? Could also do some scream and make it take longer so it wont get abused when the APD restrain someone
  15. this is your what, 3rd, 4th post selling this?
  16. god damnit, he said no fuckin balls... Where is it gonna be sent?
  17. same
  18. fine fine fine... How about a potato from THE Hingle McCringleberry
  19. But you cant buy Spike Strips as a civ I'll raise it to 14 Strips and 92 Rooks
  20. 57 Rooks and 12 Spike Strips
  21. fixed it for ya #Free@SPBojo Also, if we are being technical here, TPF never disbanded either. Just nobody is active XD
  22. whelp, he said no balls. Fuck it, I need a new computer anyway
  23. If I hear this question one more time, I am smashing my pc with a fuckin 2x4 and runnning it over repeatedly
  24. 1. The funny thing is, I like the khaki one better 2. Nobody is gonna pay double the money for a useless skin, and you are stupid if you think anyone will...
  25. do you do fsx? Fukcin barely able to start the damn trike, but cant even get the damn thing to move (and I THINK I turned off the parking break)
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