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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. Holy Jeezus
  2. fite me m9
  3. Welllll, I have been trying to figure this out for a long ass time now, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get it working. If anyone know the fix to this, I'll pay a mil or two, or hell, at this point, possibly even 3 depending on the fix. -I am unable to launch a good amount of games, like CS:GO, Rocket League, CS:Source, and GMod. -So for the games listed above (possible more if I try launching em), I press "Play" but all it will do, depending on the game, is either start running, then it will say "Syncing", then close out like nothing happened, or for CS:GO, it will start, go to a black screen for a split second like it is opening up, then close out but Steam still says the game is running -I will try to get videos of these in a min, but editing is gonna be a bitch, so just putting this part up for now -I have tried to Verify Game Files, Uninstalling/Reinstalling the games, using a certain code for startup, Uninstalling/Reinstalling Steam but none of em helped -Will probably pay 2 or 3 mil at this point unless it's a "Check this box" kinda fix, but would still do at least a mil for that info -If something works, I'll pm you and meet up in Olympus some time
  4. When someone says no balls




    Thanks Obama

    1. Randyy


      what are those points and what do you even do with them lol

  5. He's had enough of your shit
  6. Excuse me sir, this is Wasteland with "hands up or die" RP is not allowed on the server Jk, but in all reality, this is pretty dank
  7. What. The. Metric. FUCK DID I JUST WATCH?
  8. Idea for next donation goal

    wait for it...

    waaiiiittt for itttt.......





    Bring Back The Dislike Button


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary
    3. JBruesch


      Gary, let me dislike things or no balls

    4. Brennan


      Only good idea beside Stats page.

  9. Could we get the dislike button back?
  10. Been trying to play CS:GP, GMod, or Rocket League for a long ass time now, but none of em will launch anymore... Anyone have any links on good noose tying tutorials? 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Counter Strike General Practitioner? That's a new one ^_^

    2. JBruesch


      That awkward moment when I can't edit it to correct it :PJSalt:

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      It's funnier this way.

  11. Carrier landings are not easier than normal landings on a runway. There is a reason why Navy Pilots spend a year learning how to land on just carriers AFTER they learn how to land on a normal runway... A normal runway is much more forgiving, if you overshoot a little, you still have plenty of time to touch down on a normal sized runway. If your sink rate is a little too much on a normal runway, ya have a chance of damaging the plane or still possibly blow up (depends on how fast you're descending). If you're on that same final approach for a carrier and descend a little too much, ya crash into the ass end of a ship Annnddddd Also, the only plain that has a tail hook is the F/A-18 Black Wasp, as it is the only Navy plane in Arma.
  12. 90% sure those are ones that you "borrowed" from a different website, but k
  13. I think you mean "Liberated"
  14. Eh, lets give em some credit. An autistic monkey and a snail with super aids
  15. Only on Tuesdays This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
  16. Well that's no fun, is it bad then if one of the very first days on the server, a medic taught me how to take someone's kidney by letting me take his? We just called it training for me to become a doctor
  17. Was just robbing someone in Kavala, ended up setting him free, giving him $150k, a little bit of gear, then letting him use my uninsured truck. I think I just got counter robbed.

    1. JBruesch


      Update, he didn't chop it :D

  18. 1. IGN: JBrew$ky 2. How did you find Olympus?: When I first got Arma, I joined a random populated server (Didn't know what Altis Life was at first, but looking back at it now, I am fairly certain it was an Altis Life server). All the APD started leathaling everyone around the safe zone, and people tried hiding behind things in the safe zone. The Admins didn't like that very much, so they sent a message saying "Everyone leave the safe zone or be killed" Then blew everything up 10 seconds later. I made a bit of a remark, along with a few other people, bitching out the admins and the server, and a lot of us got kicked. I was close as hell to uninstalling, but I thought I would give it another shot, so I joined another server that wasn't full (turned out to be Olympus), and spawned in Kavala. Met a few people, had fun with a few people, trolled around a little, then @Colorado303 helped me learn the ropes and invited me to SPP. Been a Kavala scat ever since 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I was doing a hostage situation late one night Gary decided that was a no bueno
  19. *Buying Suppressor*

    If you're selling a suppressor, please PM me with what suppressor you're selling and how much you want. Or if you know anyone else selling a suppressor, please let me know

    1. DeadPool


      Don't buy from MC they will bump the price up after you agree on something and then when you say no they kill you

  20. So, I have over half a mil in rooks in just 1 house near the square and a metric fuck ton of rebreathers because armor level 1 op I'll admit, I think I have a bit of a scatting addiction Also, @Grenade65, how dare you be a productive, I was trying to get a 1 mil bounty with only a rook, and he came in in an APD Orca so I had to use my Car-95. Made it to about $750k with only a rook

    11 outta 10 timing

  22. http://www.cnn.com/

    Look at the headline...

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. DeadPool
    3. Stelar
    4. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      I am not a fan of Trump, but I totally agree with his decision to rain hell on that air base.  

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