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Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Hurricane

  1. weird people 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. buckie


      Talking shit from a corporate PC is against the rules 

    3. Horizon


      the hell did i do 🤯

    4. Millennium


      I do have a big brain thank you for noticing.

  2. Was on cop and caught him while ban evading and told him whats up dabest and him saying wait how did you know. Many great times with the lad always seem to make the Discord channel and or TS channel just start laughing at some of the shit that he said. RIP to the legend
  3. wait I thought she was going with @ hawk and @ Weaz
  4. they have the winners already
  5. 💯

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      i havent really enjoyed them since i want to die in new orleans but this new album kinda smacks

  6. Welcome to the retirement club its a lot better on this side
  7. First me and now @ Fraali damn thanks for doing your best day in and day out just so people can enjoy playing the server. Much love my guy 🙏

    Don’t be a stranger

  8. Hurricane


    Well the time has come and this my goodbye. I loved playing on this server most times and some things must come to an end. The day one's @ billdroid I still remember the nights of you and me playing cop and ur brother playing civ and you turning around in your chair and seeing where juan was at so we could go catch him. And bringing your name up for SGT when nobody expected it @ JuanDeaged My boy I gave you your corp test and I remember telling myself not to put you in the same squad as brother but I ended up doing it. Some of the best times on cop @ Millennium The late nights of doing some of the most random shit on this server whether it was arguing about something or just playing on the server and just fucking around. And the late nights of "Are we Lethals Group" against the "Goat Friend Group" honestly some of the best times on the server. @ hawk @ Sandman the sAPD days were fun. And the laughs that you always gave me when I said some retarded shit about my IRL life. Also the times we played Gang Beasts hands down the funniest shit ever. @ CocoisDead My boy I raised you like a son. -1 ing you for SGT hands down was a pretty funny move. You telling me "Hey Hurricane when you step down from sAPD let me know because I probably leave too". Hey buddy I been gone for year when you retiring? But for real still cant believe you have stayed for this long. @ Jordan540 The Buffalo Bills will win a Super Bowl within the next 2 years. Football talk was always fun and VR chat, talking shit to random people will always be fun. @ Fraali thanks for times I came to you with computer problems and you trying your best to fix them and the one time frying my graphics card and my ssd but oh well. And the late nights of trying to go pro in Rocket League. @ Decimus You telling me the story of the first time I played with VX and you asking urself who the fuck is this Hurricane guy? Thanks for giving me my corp test and not demoting me for when I called some deputy a retard @ jig @ Cale The young lads. When you guys got FTO and the sAPD tried turning you to on each other and tried convincing both of you to talk shit about the other and it didn't work @ Strae the friendly banter back and forth with each other. And for you and me still being the best LT's the APD has ever seen. There are plenty more @'s that I could put here but I felt like these were the most important Some other @'s @ Ryan Thanks for giving me the opportunity of being staff after 7 Apps. @ Civak @ Weaz the days of getting angry at each other while playing r6. @ Zahzi always saying shit about me being overweight and me calling you a midget. @ Rexo If @ Fraali couldn't help me out with my pc problems and always went to you after and we usually figured out the problem @ Panda :) My guy I got SGT with. Some good times playing Fortnite during sAPD meeting and Chris getting pissed that we were talking over other people. @silla folks Doing some late night events and purposely killing Ivy and Tammy and the reaction out of both them being priceless. The VX boys @ Solomon Thanks for bringing me into VX. @ coopacarp Thanks for letting me use your house when I first joined the server and than me stealing the shrooms out of ur house. @AuntyJ grinding during the summer nights for you and me to get corp and the Pubg times. @ bigPat When we all left and made Eclipse and @ Solomon was the one that chose Eclipse Some @'s that are well needed @people that play this game way to much. This game will always be here other things wont. There is certain individuals I could @ but not going to start shit (you know who u guys are). This isn't a good bye forever. I still wil join TS from time to time again and will always hop on the forums. If someone wants to play games most of you have my Disord, Steam and or Snapchat. PS I'm really bad with these things and my grammar and typing is dogshit MUCH LOVE AND PEACE OUT
  9. Hurricane


    o7 to the man I got SGT with. Hands down one of the days ones. Don't be a stranger around these parts much love.
  10. People complaining the cops are op now but didnt play back in 2016 and 2017
  11. There is already airdrops, blackwater, evidence locker and APD escorts. Enough spawned in gear already
  12. If cabal was doing stuff that is so bad to the server @ Mako would wipe them from the server. Any staff that is in Cabal doesn’t treat them any differently from any other players on the server. Speaking for my self just the other day during conquest @ Farrell VDMED me and I banned him. Staff positions are not just given out to anyone if we see someone even from our own gang break rules we ban them / talk to them like we would with any other player on the server. Have you seen the pop recently just the other day server 1 was full and about 105 people on conquest
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