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Tacosmell last won the day on December 21 2018

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About Tacosmell

  • Birthday 06/14/1998

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  1. Big facts here. I would be more than happy to be given a role to run tournaments, leagues, etc. for the community. Please someone hmu so these csgo leagues, OW leagues, and stuff actually happen 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacosmell


      I can assure you that it would be well organized and done properly. Most people are not going to take something serious considering it is not completely coming from someone with a position that can pin/feature a post you feel?

    3. Evann


      7 minutes ago, tacosmell said:

      I can assure you that it would be well organized and done properly. Most people are not going to take something serious considering it is not completely coming from someone with a position that can pin/feature a post you feel?

      he has some ways of making people ... disappear...

    4. Google


      I feel like to prove that people want this you first should begin by doing it without this title you want, then you'll be given one hopefully if they see how big it could be.

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