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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. You have no idea what happens behind the scenes. When Peter first got owner it took some time to transition, same will happen with Ares. There’s a learning curve to everything and trust me when I tell you we got a lot of content coming soon Also next time @ the man so he can at least defend himself!!! @Ares
  2. You're trash kid... subhuman ape l 0 l 


    HBD qt finally legal :wub:

    1. Strikke


      he was legal 2 years ago for me :) 

    2. rapidaax


      thanks Ryan :wub: hmm when you come to Minnesota and I can mug you for your money

    3. Ryan


      Jokes on you @rapidaax I got @Drama to come with me and jump you at chick fil a 

  3. 1 - If you didn’t break any rules then you wouldn’t get banned. It’s a very rare occurance where the banning staff member screws up or has to lift a ban because the player did nothing wrong. What you think is right or wrong might not be the case when it comes to our rules. 2 - Again, this is a video game. Relax. Your ticket was replied to within 24 hours, and at the time you made your post your ticket wasn’t even OPEN for 24 hours. So telling me that this shit wouldn’t happen in a democracy is completely irrelevant, as this ain’t it chief. 3 - A lot of players do ask this questions because they are impatient as hell just like you. Being impatient gets you nowhere, and only delays what you are trying to get. Just ask @RealClorox he can tell you how that went with him. Im sure by now you have been dropped to be the last one on the banning staff members priority list due to your actions and impatience. Congrats, ya played yourself.
  4. Some people don’t want others to know what they were banned for. Just a privacy thing
  5. Not really how it works lmao but if it does take long you can request an admin+ Staff have work, school, and simply lives outside of arma. Most of the time were always busy, but if we are online we’re trying to just enjoy the game. Most staff are busier then others, while some staff dedicate most of their time to olympus. The ban appeal process is actually the fastest I have seen it in the last few years I’ve been here. Back in the day you would be lucky to even get a response with your evidence within the first 24 hours. Typically, unless I’m extremely busy at work I try to respond within the first 1-3 hours of me receiving a PM or an assigned ticket. I have yet to see anything come from you. Technically, we aren’t required to do anything. If in our eyes you broke a rule, then allowing you to appeal it is a curtosey. Granted, there are certain situations where one side looks different from another, but making unnecessary forums posts like this, instead of PM’ing any staff member, won’t help your case. Teamspeak isn’t a requirement, it’s just another form of communication. This isn’t politics, just logic. Also, it’s a video game... comparing staff to a democracy judge makes zero sense since it’s those judges actual job, while being staff is volunteer work... Can confirm I work 2 jobs, go to college and still have the most tickets usually Although it’s a good idea, we tend to keep ban evidence private unless the banned player shares it. Having this system will cause people to grab other peoples ban evidence, and there really wouldn’t be a way to create a verification system on discord to figure out who is who for something like this
  6. Who’s this @Sho kid everyone’s talking about? He’s bad. 



    HBD qt :wub:

  7. Happy Birthday papa @Egnazio

  8. As @rapidaax would say, “you can’t fight a guy who can set your rep”
  9. Too bad your too inactive on staff to be a pocket staff
  10. I have infinite bank account recruit me thx
  11. Your trash @rapidaax

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. eggmasta
    3. Evann


      16 minutes ago, Eggman said:



    4. hawk


      Maybe if you went to school you would learn how to type properly, @Ryan :Kappa:

  12. If you see a staff member beating around the bush and not upholding the same rules within the people in their gang as opposed to outside of their gang, then it’s like Mav said report them. The last staff member that abused within their gang was removed without even questioning it.
  13. Nope, it was a little while ago but it has been fixed before gang wars. Unless something else broke should be good
  14. If your one wish isn’t for equality today idk who you are anymore. 

    HBD bot @Bojo

    1. SPBojo


      You already know its for equality, cheers filthy jew! 

  15. I wasn’t aware that it’s broken?
  16. Didn’t @Decimus leave like a year ago? 


    :Kappa: o7 Buddy, congrats @ThatNerdyGuy

  17. What a gentlemen! Ladies scoop this man up before he’s taken!
  18. I will put you 12 feet under buddy
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