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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. @ Milo  im back for 10 minutes i tase 5 cops and server crash's , Im about to buy the server off @ Ryan and demote you back to support team

  2. @ Ryan These full screen ads gotta go

    1. Ryan


      I think Google just doesnt like @ xsmitherz  cause I removed them and left one at the bottom and they added 2 more to his screen LMFAO I excluded like the entire web page besides the bottom so hopefully it will fix 😛 Respect the support on the adsense front though

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. @ Ryan These full screen ads gotta go

    1. Ryan


      Google does experiments and applies ads to random spots sometimes and if it performs well auto adds them. Where do the ads pop up and can you screenshot it so I can block it LMFAO

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Need blackjack splitting ASAP ROCKY

    1. Ryan


      @ mrs nesbitt  This was pitched... we then realized we wouldnt have server pop anymore if we did this though LMFAO

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Somebody posted this on my last montage so it must be true, @ Ryan  I didn’t know you had the ability to give vac bans what do you have to say for this?


    So if you think Olympus is bad... if you dont mind reading this it will give you some light unto why the server is how it is now, Olympus was at one point the best server, that was at a time where Blackwater, Tree, BPM, and hex were the most active, Tree and Hex being among the top ranking player base, unfortunately the server owner stepped down and handed the ownership to Ryan, as soon as Ryan got power he did a mass ban on players who opposed his corrupt ways, you see... in the background tree had been formed with a bunch of corrupt admins inside, giving themselves and everyone involved with tree immunity to RDM, One of those members being, you guessed it.... Ryan, Ryan vac banned all members in Hex, Blackwater, and BPM..... I Was among those people, never been banned before, never received a warning before, and yet... as soon as Ryan became owner, we all got shut down.... why? Because Blackwater was about to be the most powerful gang in Olympus, and since hex and BPM were finally allied with Blackwater and Tree was falling, Ryan did not like that, he had to do something, when you habe the power and control of the whole server in the palm of your hands.... what better way is there to take put the threat of loosing your reputation? You guessed it, permantlry banning your opposition seems effective.... this is one story from just another og Olympus player who fell victum to the coruption of the Olympus staff team, I am [Hex]legendary... Ryan if you ever see this..... make Olympus great again, step down from power you tyrant... I'm not done... I promised Ryan he would be haunted by the ghost in the future, that time is near... Ryan... get ready...

    1. Ryan


      lol if I had the ability to vac ban people id be sending a lot more people off.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Since it’s in now can we unlock the dip post please @ Grandma Gary  @ Mako  @ WALT  @ silton  @ Ryan

    1. Ryan


      Dip is in now? 😮 

  7. imagine being a dev2 and not knowing that a website can send you emails......

    his name starts with a M and rhymes with silo

  8. Yo wtf September update is loaded

    1. Ryan


      "That's an interesting point! Let me dive into that a bit more before I share my thoughts." @ Joel

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. It's been 24 hours. Why hasn't the Senior Admin looked at my report yet?

    1. Ryan


      Took them more than 24 hours? Dw they are fired now 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  10. Yo

    1. Ryan


      I’m in Vegas gambling celebrating not dying. So not mako this time lads

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. I want to let everyone know that I am up $2500 USD gambling tonight. I will be losing all of it and more tomorrow.

    1. Ryan


      Yall dont want to see my stats from just a single site...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. I admit, I have a problem and am seeking help 18 hrs of casino did me in

    1. Ryan


      Ill give you the help you need...

      Offering professional gambling lessons for 1 punch on @ Milo an hour.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. @ Ryan  can you free sov she was about to make a video about me, I was about to finally make it into the big leagues and your staff team take that away from me 

    1. Ryan


      I didn’t even know she was banned until 5 min ago so not my doing lol 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


    1. Ryan


      Editing spot on, wanna do some videos for Olympus?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Soooo does anyone else have any complaints? It feels like a good day to AIR IT OUT 

  16. Staff KOS has been brought back as a goal. If you want to abuse your favorite staff member in game without having any rules amongst other things, peep dono goal ^_^

    1. Ryan


      Yo this was a friendly status update to basically abuse @ Milo , yall gotta chill. 

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  17. Staff KOS has been brought back as a goal. If you want to abuse your favorite staff member in game without having any rules amongst other things, peep dono goal ^_^

    1. Ryan


      @ johnny goose  I beg @ Milo  every day to feed all gambling addictions by fixing/implementing all casino features ^_^

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Apologies for the delay in giveaway winner results. Will get them out to you by Wednesday the latest 🙂 

  19. image.jpeg.2ca493d22a5f927b533af8f890ca9f85.jpeg

    1. Ryan


      @ Acid_ saw the tree and knew exactly what it meant. Need the good ole tree to come back

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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