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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Why would you give him something thats worth nothing?
  2. I lost a 14mil house to an RDM'er, dont see me complaining. Next time prepare yourself for a situation like this, because im sure the admins have over 100 RDM reports as is to handle right now, and they wont have the time to sort through all the logs and remove houses. Can only imagine
  3. God damn password I got in everytime except for this one cause of the llllllllllllllllllll Comp 14mil or ban kappa
  4. Rip server 3

  5. What the hell man that wasnt cool :(:(

  6. Just to clarify So basically only Corporals can lethal a hostage taker without going through the specific set of waves and/or being outnumbered? As well as PO's still go through the regular tazer rounds unless situation isn't "resolvable" by tazing?
  7. I like pizza.

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Who doesnt? haha

    2. Ryan


      You sir are next level. :D

  8. Rip BW, looks like 1MAW took the lead Actually upsets me watching this lowkey, thought you were better then this
  9. Your god damn right you are.
  10. Just curious what editing software did you use again? Didnt think I caught that D:
  11. Want to know how to be a potato? Here's how...
  12. Fite me m8 I told everyone I am
  13. So DOA wanted to do a moonshine run, we didnt like that so at a team, we surrounded them as Toasty ran in with a suicide vest to destroy everything. Toasty's Perspective - https://youtu.be/QnHOGf_fRkA (processing as of post) explosion watch @7:25 Boogeyman's Perspective - Lynx's Perspective - TO BE ADDED 4/2/17 Tomkingslayer's Perspective - TO BE ADDED 4/2/17 Like this
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