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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. @Last

    never thought I'd see the day


  2. grats on 21 man @Colt 

    have fun 

  3. Try to make it 3min Don’t add single kills unless its a 1 tap/far shot Cops kills can be added but not too many and ensure they are really good No kavala and no killing freshies Don’t post kills of you shooting in the back or titan
  4. kev

    Selling RPG

  5. happy birthday ddosing scammer @lou25000


    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      <3 thanks cutie pie (still waiting on that tit pic from amy)

  6. We say that because if the entire fucking group rushes for bomb room then no one is holding gates anymore and you can lose the fed/bw extremely easily. It is much easier to have 1-3 guys loading bars and shit while everyone else continues to defend.
  7. Started up as wanting to do a fed and then a couple career cops hit me up so I let them join and then you guys got invited which I have no idea how it happened. The entire time we kept repeating "DON'T GO INTO BOMB ROOM UNLESS YOU ARE KEV or VIPER and a couple other guys or you will be shot" and one of the royal guys came in so we shot him. As soon as that happened everyone went apeshit and started spamming group chat with "kill final" and "execute order 66" you guys legit started calling us rats and shit for no reason because you had a retard in the group. Very simple solution: you want to a fed your way? Then host it yourself. Shit was funny as fuck tho when everyone was yelling killing eachother, felt like a fucking civil war
  8. 1x armed huron, 1x armed prowler
  9. https://prnt.sc/k0fs4y pm or post offers below
  10. I got a fuckton of cop gear except its on S2 if your interested
  11. I got 1x armed qilin 3x armed prowler 2x armed huron
  12. I got a house in DP3 on S3 great for meth, 4crater and garage combo
  13. Listen, if im going first its gonna be 3.4mil
  14. 2.5mil
  15. 3.5
  16. http://prntscr.com/k0fs4y
  17. offer me its on s2
  18. I got a 4 crater in RDM alley
  19. Add me on steam steamcommunity.com/id/kastrooo we can talk about buying exclusive gear and vehicles.
  20. I’ll buy it all for 1.75m
  21. Mine is on S2, msg me if your interested ill hook you up with a screenshot and include your offer. The house is a 4 crater (2900 space)
  22. If no one wants to buy it for 10mil im here ready to buy for 7mil or an armed prowler if your interested. That is what a DP 23 3crater would cost me. Don’t see much use for this if you aren’t in tree TBH.
  23. damn, nice @ikiled

    1. ikiled


      :wub: will always love your ear raping mic

  24. kev

    moonshine house

    You should mention what server and specify crates since not everyone knows it by name.
  25. 7m
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