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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. http://prntscr.com/g0t7yd

    why does this happen 

    1. Novaaa


      Shit get guuud skrub

    2. Ryan


      Cause you take pics on your phone, then send them to yourself, then screenshot on your pc.

    3. kev


      Ignore this it is just displaying the wrong number but the war points do update.

  2. hes sleeping right now but I can assure you he definitely has it post offers here if you want it.
  3. thx for the gear @Gibbs @DeadPool1337

    1. DeadPool


      you are the literal definition of scum it don't go any lower then you 

    2. Qasim


      Dont talk to my boy Kev like that

  4. If a civ takes a higher up cop's uniform now do they keep the new colors?

    1. DashTonic


      It defaults to a p.o 

  5. We should get black ifrits to spawn at the black water so when you get it one its not a total disappointment maybe make it a rare chance
  6. i heard it doesn't work like it should, the rpg
  7. any idea if its getting fixed up
  8. http://prntscr.com/fhzs9n post offers below
  9. 4.5mil
  10. 3mil
  11. 1,250,000 for 22 2 crater
  12. anyone got any ideas? maybe you can get another house slot as a prize from an event?
  13. There has to be way to gain more house slots
  14. damn this shits old
  15. good shit
  16. how much for mx too
  17. How much for just the 6.5 mags
  18. It is still up for grabs haven't sold it yet.
  19. 5 mil and you'll have it in 4 hours
  20. If 24 hrs pass without a better offer it's yours
  21. 1 crater 930m from rebel and 1.2m from cartel its a 1 crater Msg me offers or post here http://prntscr.com/encz28
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