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Everything posted by Serpico

  1.   Baby comeback  

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Serpico


      It's true. I told him to take it away. The troll in me gets too high.

    3. Dangus


      I'm so confused with literally everything that's going on, and this only makes it worse. What's happening with the drunk guy? And what's happening with all the hints at even more perms? IM SO CONFUSED PEOPLE???

    4. Serpico


      I got trolly and banned him on TS. He was not coming back online. The Canadian in me started to feel bad. He just thought his internet dropped and kept watching his show/movie.

  2. WTF BI... I quit

    Tweaked: Rabbits, snakes and fish are no longer bleeding

    1. RambleR
    2. DeadPool


      Less BI items so better performance maybe?

  3. Pee Stream https://www.twitch.tv/videos/128314051 Credits go to @Ozadu for original coding

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Muthinator
    3. Raine


      2 hours ago, Serpico said:

      We have some last minute things to test. If all goes well it won't be long.

      Better not drop Tuesday or Thursday I have work;)

    4. TheRandomOne


      4 hours ago, Serpico said:

      We have some last minute things to test. If all goes well it won't be long.

      Won't be long,eh?


      I beg to differ 

  4. Streaming some development. Stop by and tell me what you'd like to see added/changed. twitch.tv/SerpicoTV

  5. That's how you kill gang life... can't quick peak
  6. Yeah. Just how dead player data is and if they disconnect they fuck it all up. Will be improved.
  7. For now its only for revives. I do have ideas to expand it to assist with all request that RnR get.
  8. It's hotfix/update time. Added: RnR Dispatch system To access the menu, press 4 on your keyboard All dead players that have requested a medic will be listed. RnR can indicate that they are on route or DNR. The player gets a notification. Added: New "Allow Epipen" button has been added on death screen. Does not notify anyone. Change: To be Epipen'd you will need to click "Allow Epipen". If you need a medic, you still need to click "Request Medic" Change: Corporal+ required to open jail door Change: APD take significantly less damage from tazers Change: APD cannot enter Blackwater vehicles Change: Texture bug "fixer" has been modified in a few ways to hopefully increase effectiveness Fix: Shift + Tab no longer cancels processing Fix: Players will no longer lose grenades, smokes, flash bangs when interacting with clothing shop (occurred when closing the menu) Fix: Turtles can be gathered in illegal zones again Fix: Can no longer use demo charges to blow up jail wall. This means the wall can always be repaired. Fix: Vehicles won't get repaired when towed. For real this time. Fix: APD can now seize vehicles even if a dead body is inside Fix: Legal items won't be removed from trunk inventory if illegal items are found
  9. Discord has not integration with TFAR or the likes. I don't think free server will allow it but I have no idea.
  10. Once the server is updated it should be all good. Since we are so close to the end of the month. I think Poseidon is waiting to include December rewards.
  11. Tested in dev and it works. Maybe you were not close enough. Also this is the only report so far. I will monitor the hex thing. Really nothing there to go wrong. I have been retrained many times by @Grandma Gary and always get back in the group.
  12. Blindfolds are fixed. Servers just need to be updated. I haven't bugged Poseidon to do so since I would like do get a couple small fixes for issues we noticed post patch. Cops, vigi, black market, and rebel sell blindfolds. You can buy them now, but they do nothing. I assume SOP's will be set for cops to prevent abusing it. Not too fun to have your screen blacked out for too long. I also set it so you can self remove your blindfold if you are unrestrained. You just remove the balaclava equipped on you. If you had any googles before, they get returned to you.
  13. That freeze you get... and if you're lucky you might see the green screen flash. This is your system doing a video dump so it can recover. I run the game on ultra for the most part and this is what happens when I get the "texture" bug. I believe that people running Windows 10 AE are more prone to this bug since the VRAM changes. Anyone who used OBS after the update may recall seeing that the preview/stream freeze. This would happen often or rarely. Win 10 changed how it dealt when running out of VRAM. Nvidia, AMD were not giving a lot of details for this change and were not ready on release. OBS solved this by doing a video dump and refresh. Jesse was under utilizing his GPU. He told me that most of his setting were around normal I think. Had him move that to Ultra. He also got a FPS boost. I think he's using the perf build. I'm not. I do have my malloc set to system. Why did it help? Read my post above about VRAM and Win10. From what I can tell, GPU's are more capable of recovering when that issue happens. Pushing setting towards the ultra uses more of your GPU. Here are my settings with a GTX 970 and i5 4690k (oc to 4.4). Ignore the FPS in the corner, that's from the menu. In game while streaming I won't dip below 30 fps in Kavala. Rest of the map is a usually around 60+ fps
  14. Serpico


    Nooooooo...... then they will tag me instead.
  15. Serpico


    Nope, I live in the Trump free land of Canada
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