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Everything posted by Fr0sty

  1. o7 @Coffee You WERE a great supervisor :'(

  2. Fr0sty

    Selling Tasers

    Ill buy ever type 115
  3. Fr0sty

    WTS gear

    I want those mx's
  4. ill buy all of them
  5. Fr0sty

    Selling DMS

    Pm me offers, or post on here
  6. Sign me up. Cats doesn’t stand a chance
  7. It really isn’t that easy to hit 2k shots with the dms. It’s actually pretty fucking hard unless the player is sitting still for more than 30 seconds lol
  8. How much for just the helmet
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      Tree sacrifices will forever be my favorite experience. Pls come back 

    3. Fr0sty


      @Dante they are back and here to stay

  9. 200k for two mags
  10. post or pm offers
  11. I’ll buy it if you sell me your 7.62 suppressor if you have one lol
  12. 450k
  13. 4mill real offer
  14. APD trick squad we are recruiting


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud
    3. Crunchedd



      applying for leader thanks

    4. Fr0sty


      2 hours ago, Crunchedd said:


      applying for leader thanks

      You are co-leader and in charge of recruiting

  15. should have been given the boot a long time ago
  16. I don’t speak to your kind @lou25000.
  17. Fr0sty

    BUYING Mar-10's

    I’ve got 3 with your name on them cats
  18. Selling 2 -4 craters in dp22 and 2 -3 craters message me with offers
  19. Sayonara rat hope you crash while your in your TRUCK on the way to Chik-Fil-A. Thanks for teaching me that the SAPD can hate someone more than Snipez xD
  20. You sir are mentally retarded because those are sergeant fatigues Btw everything in this post has been sold already.
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