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Everything posted by Jerry

  1. Unban me I’ll bring the server back 

  2. https://gyazo.com/c0fa40bf75be3374248479cb978682d1 Shoot me offers
  3. Rest easy buddy thanks for all the laughs and screaming. Good ol Conner
  4. Beautiful video I was there
  5. Jerry

    Wtb shine houses

    Homie If I look at your stats it’s probably all mushroom
  6. Jerry

    Wtb shine houses

    Lol quit scamming people retard your shed is literally at mushroom
  7. Happy birthday @ Pinkstreak  I don’t know you but um happy birthday 

  8. @ Xlax
  9. Yea headless kinda stinky kinda cringe how power hungry he is
  10. Someone wanna get me oly plus for a kiss😘

  11. Get some Mac miller in the background then yessir
  12. @ Tez holy shit calm down princess whining more then my ex girlfriend would on her period. So what cabal does shit that you don’t like boohoo it’s a fucking video game. What if the staff bullies you so hard you should probably just sell your pc boohoo it’s a fucking video game. So what bro no one g i v e s. a. f l y i n g. f u c k. For fuck sake man like if you don’t like it leave nobody’s perfect so don’t expect it you ape. Love your music btw;)
  13. Jerry

    ryan look @ your messages cutie


  14. Jerry

    Selling Cyrus

    My get out of jail free card
  15. https://gyazo.com/d243a030e28e76cf8e78516b3c38a280

    im sorry olympus gods pls forgive me

    1. Tommy12


      Rip Man kinda was a cool dude tho 

    2. Ziggyuwu



      rip a real one 😪

    3. Jerry


      @ Ziggyuwu is alive? but fr i made 1 joke on a twitch livestream n im gone faster then any black dad 

  16. Yikes
  17. This is to good
  18. ||BW|| Ryan is my dad not [Owner] Ryan
  19. the title says it all

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skys


      damn headless lives in another head rent free 

    3. Civak


      why would you post this

      actually really sad on your part

    4. Jerry


      Bruh this ain’t even me tf Lol 

  20. imagine getting banned for this

    my clip: https://gyazo.com/78d37f60cf181dfd6297319a9b0e58ef

    @ jig clip ily jig but i also hate you rn 🙂 https://gyazo.com/ba76a30c70be7c224209292f96c23770

    @ HeadLESS  is a weirdo 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Well. Come on Jerry. Look at what the rule says. 

      Chapter 2: No Vehicular Manslaughter [VDM]

      1. Do not use vehicles to run over player unless it is an absolute last resort (Life or Death)
      2. Players can not kill another player that has been downed by a vehicle. - this applies. 

      Players get banned if they break rules. It’s a pretty obvious concept. If you haven’t appealed you can still do it.  

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Gotta have your head pretty far up your own ass to not understand how that’s VDM. 

  21. @ Mako  is a cool dude -the pharma brothers @ Easier

    1. Mako


      this man is a paid actor.

    2. Jerry


      yessir @ Mako  wheres the money you promised?

  22. @ jig happy birthday -corporal Jerry ; )

  23. who hacks wtf xd s1

    1. eknjack


      xd wtf yeah bro like lmao lol

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