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Everything posted by Daevon

  1. @Ryan Yo i need money for my birthday... I want to fight cartels with my niggas



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Daevon shut up little chicken nugget 

    3. Bloodmoon


      finna start camping moonshine again

    4. Daevon


      I ran moonshine fuck Tree


  2. yo @Ryan this server still alive bro?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      I’m surprised you’re alive, tbh

    3. Orgondo


      Define “alive”

    4. Ryan


      As alive as every year in March 

  3. Ok so u actually plays this game still

    1. Haze


      off the forums retard

    2. Viper
  4. @Ignis @Dante I made the post on @Zurph account. FUCK this shit server.. 

    1. -dante-


      If you wanted to be permd off the forums that’s all you had to say :D

    2. Linka


      you play FORTNITE


  5. 4 crater was sold
  6. 15mil is top by @kev
  7. @nibblezzz i will take it unless someone else offers higher
  8. @mur2.0 fuck off
  10. bump
  11. https://gyazo.com/49a7363ad64bb525482f9f760e53047a taking offers...
  12. Jump off a bridge
  13. bump
  14. selling a lethal mar 10 with 10mags.... pm if u want to offer
  15. Also selling dp22 S3 3c sell mine cheaper
  16. https://gyazo.com/1872a27a20c1125cd75db5d65a22bdde offer... might be able to get u perm keys to a garage
  17. ur funny man
  18. Taking Offers Dp22 - 4crater, 3crater and Garage https://gyazo.com/e8e2d450ca2de23b9584585409903f99 Dp6 - Athira rebel Garage https://gyazo.com/47982c10f0d938fbd664c51f1fa11a6d
  19. Still taking offers
  20. TAKING OFFERS - 4c and 3c https://gyazo.com/af4acbc6a895e24c827de64afcd92608
  21. alright 1.2 for the suppressor
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