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Dirty Scrubz

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Everything posted by Dirty Scrubz

  1. Congrats Google! Make Olympus Great Again!

  2. How often does that really not happen? Especially for a teenage pimple faced nerd that sits at home all day and finally gets some "online power". I saw some dipshit yelling at medics over cop/medic comms and pulling them into his channel the other day because he apparently thought he could tell all medics not to service an entire fucking city because he was a retired chief.. The egos of these fucking kids, they're in for a rude awakening when real life hits. Unfortunately that's the case here and other community run servers as well. If it is community run, you can bet there will be corruption. The only way you can ever escape that is if the owner of the community server has the will/desire to monitor things on his own under a pseudonym and root out corrupt cops/staff. But it's human nature to protect those that become friends with you so everyone is prone to a degree of corruption. KB is probably the only sAPD member that I like. Good guy, no ego and just has fun.
  3. This server rule, while well intentioned, is unnecessary. The vast majority of the time anyone is running something of moderate to high value, they’re going to be armed. So if player x sees player y rolling around in a tempest full of platinum or whatever and begins shooting out the tires then player x should still be required to verbally initiate (texting them during or after shooting the tires out would be unfair to the driver) the driver and give them 5 seconds to respond. This way player y now has a few options: 1. Call 911 and hope APD shows up (I always respond to these types of calls if I’m nearby) 2. Wait for the perp to walk up to your car and as he’s verbally initiating you blast him because he’s required to verbally initiate but you aren’t. 3. Surrender and hope you bought insurance. I think the above would be the most logical way of approaching this short of building in a point and click initiation mechanism (which I have seen on a Chinese rip of Asylum and it worked really well).
  4. I was APD on Asylum a long time (retired as Lt) and one of the biggest differences I saw when I joined Olympus APD was the severe lack of training. There's no discernible call outs or tactics for BW or fed, it's usually "just zerg and jump in while we wait on wave 2 for Cpl+ to lethal". Also, when I first got deputy, people called out gate numbers but during deputy training, nobody told us what the callouts are so we had to ask during the fed. I just think training would be a good thing overall if done right on a separate server.
  5. Why not put up a full on training server using the Olympus mission file like Asylum does? This way you can do more than just basic trainings that happen now which could include trainings that cover tactics for bw, fed etc?
  6. Yeah yeah but whats preventing X gang or Y player from simply changing what they run? Keep in mind the market also drops very fast when selling so they won't be doing one thing for too long. And they can mitigate any tracking by slowing updates to every 12-24 hours which would make aggregating all this data useless.
  7. Yes stats reveals all that information but then the gang could change things up so it isn't always tracked so easily.
  8. It sucks losing a strategic money making house but game balance always takes precedence. Just look at AAA games that constantly tweak things years after release for the sake of gameplay improvements, it always screws someone over who’s gotten used to doing something a certain way but it has to be done. If you’re going to buy a strategically located house next time just know it comes with the caveat of losing that position if a map/game balance change is needed.
  9. Bohemia doesn’t really care about the life community so that’s why they pay little attention to it. If Paratus ever releases Identity this won’t matter much.
  10. Your stupid ass was going around vdming every cop you saw with your strider so you deserved to get blasted over and over.
  11. OG triple OG nigga
  12. The map changes overall were pretty good but there's a few things that I think could use adjustment: Moving cow manure closer to sofia has resulted in more people doing it but the distance:reward ratio is also unbalanced. What I mean by this is going by market value, mushrooms require minimal effort (2 steps) yet have a high payout relative to the distance one needs to travel to complete it. Compare this to something like Weed in Kavala which has a seemingly longer distance requirement and lower payout and it shows a glaring issue with mushrooms or at least the need to adjust weed locations. The "new" blackmarket heroin location is too confined and promotes camping, especially with it only having one main entrance and multiple buildings. I think the old setup where it was out in the open was better than this one.
  13. Good luck in your endeavors and also a wise decision in pursuing real life obligations before a video game.
  14. @Jesse I haven’t played vigilante in awhile but are they able to use rebel weapons while having a vigilante license? If so, any plans to change that?
  15. Perfect! I'm going to test this when I log in later, I've been wanting this change for awhile now.
  16. I haven't had a chance to play yet, so is it confirmed not working?
  17. Also I remember @Jessesaying this update would allow gangs to send war requests from anywhere, is that in this patch or was it left out?
  18. Won’t be long before we see gangs abuse vigi tiers to progress to spar 16 and then continue camping gang sheds.
  20. This is so true.
  21. They'll hang on to the fake power until the curtain falls and their illusion shatters. The same is true over on the other side too (Asylum) except over there the curtain is coming down pretty fast.
  22. Cuz medics gotta earn a living too.
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