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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Dog the military didn’t even want you. Don’t know if you read the post before he edited it but it was misleading besides him saying that part about him not knowing.
  2. I’m sorry to hear about this may be rest in peace, but I am sorta confused by the post did the guy actually play Olympus or was he just inspiration for the gang?
  3. You’re a freak.
  4. Voted. Hope the charity receives the funds.
  5. Did you not read monsters first reply to your post with an itemized list explaining where it all came from? If Mako was going to abuse I am very sure he wouldn’t spawn in over a million scrap to do it he would just spawn in the items that he wanted lol.
  6. Ok where did anyone say they scrapped orcas? I was going to go into detail and explain how fucking retarded this reply was but you’re a lost cause put the tin foil hat back on and continue to theorize. If you had a brain instead of taking to the forums and causing a shit show you would have tried to work with senior development staff to check logs but you didn’t which is also another sign of significant skull density.
  7. Of course I understand that, but this is a special case as even if this post is deleted the video is still uploaded and isn’t going anywhere and it being posted in this manner made sure it wouldn’t be deleted without any extreme backlash so, now this video is going to stay up and basically anyone will have the opportunity to observe and take note of all of this information they wouldn’t have known had this not been posted. I’m not at all saying players shouldn’t keep staff in check or at least attempt to do so, but you really got to use your head when you are doing so because this in my eyes was a propaganda video littered with lies that was also an extreme and one of a kind example of meta. I’m also not suggesting to make an example out of anyone but it is sort of a predicament because with the amount of gear and properties you guys own it’s not exactly easy to just move it all somewhere else
  8. Since most of this has been disproved my next question is, is it acceptable to spread information such as peoples house location who owns it / has access to it and what gear is inside of it on the forums and the way that information was obtained was through someone cheating
  9. Only thing that throws a huge red flag to me here is why does anyone that is not staff have access to a staff members house with tons of spawned in gear? Especially when your gang owns majority of the real estate in multiple towns the only reason I see anyone else having those keys is so they can use it . I had a house when I was staff full of only gear that you could buy from rebel and very few redeemed admin point items and never did I give anyone else keys to the house lol.
  10. Nah this is sick as fuck. I’ve always been curious how developed is the civilization on the island do they have 1st world amenities from what you could tell?
  11. Damn he actually got back to you same day.
  12. Nah I’m joking mostly I’d never take an actual rank again I don’t think, but with my off time this summer I’d be more than glad to help in some way if this ends up being a purge lol.
  13. 4th time it is ig
  14. I know that monitor has gotta be a biohazard.
  15. Whoever’s idea it was to change my name from pink I’m very upset with you.

  16. Could have made a status update but ok lol
  17. Not taking a shot at the game or server genuinely curious what makes arma 3 your game of choice.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horizon


      because i want to be an administrator so bad i just want power/ego, and to be able to ban whoever I don't like so i'm gonna keep putting in the effort to suck off the staff team and beg my pocket staff to drag me into private ts3 channels so i can weasel my way in the clique. 

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Because everything else is zzzz and arma scratches the right part of my brain

    4. Dragonnoid


      It used to be a game that me and my friends from HS would play. IDRK what it is about combat in this game but it just feels satisfying which is why I still play it.

  18. How about them frogs tho?

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      I want chaos, I want them to win it all

    2. Panda :)
  19. The amount of people that do not see the issue in sexualizing the discord for Olympus is concerning. I wouldn't necessarily that the jokes are distasteful just incredibly inappropriate there is a time and place and on an app that children have access to and on a server that there are plenty of minors is not the time nor the place especially if comments like this are being to people that people do not know. This is a friendly reminder if you are 18+ making jokes like this to minor and you run into an angry parent there is a good chance that you will have to register as a sex offender.
  20. Great food wide variety. Free entertainment after 12 AM If you go here for breakfast you are waiting at least 30 minutes to get seated because every grandparent in existence goes to one of these in the morning especially near the holidays.
  21. You know this server is getting ridiculous when an Lt and Moderator dies a single wave at a black market and pulls a ghost hawk and guns you down. Did I mention that there were 3 of us only 2 of us had guns and those guns were a spar-16 (30 round mags) and a PDW did I also mention there were 6 cops? 2 of which had 7.62? Class act Mr. @ Brandyn

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Farrel


      Brandyn breaks the most rules as a Sr apd member. Idk how he got mod after being denied 7 times. 

    3. nicole



      we got it back in blood.

    4. Elements


      this is a video game if he can do something to win he going to do it i dont get the problem

  22. Linguine

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Farrel


      Air Bobby you are clear for landing..... Over. 

    3. Hurricane
    4. Airborne


      Timothy Black goofy ah

  23. You people literally look for reasons to be mad at people when goat made that comment it was around 8:50 Ryan’s post confirming his death wasn’t posted till around 11 so yes goat had every right to question the legitimacy since we are on an arma 3 server where people have fun in making the most sensitive topics a joke. Grow up and grow a pair further more do you not remember who we are talking about here it’s dabest he wouldn’t have a gave a fuck. Also crazy how you made sure to crop out where he edited his post after finding out.
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