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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Panda :)


    Goodbye Mr. Drunkcast
  2. That’s sad it would have been @Hurricane‘s 19th birthday today 😢 





    happy birthday bud

  3. I see where you are coming from but to turn off the pc you have already heard something that may push you over the edge and as for reckful it wasn’t as easy for him that was quite literally his life he streamed to make a living and someone correct me if I’m wrong but he also said he endured all of that pain daily in hopes of of raising awareness for others.
  4. There is no finger pointing this matter I'm sure all of you (including myself) have said shit that is fucked up or that could really hurt someone. People can say all they want "its the internet get over it" or "you are a pussy" but you have no clue what is going that persons mind or how they are feeling and I am sure that the majority Olympus players would feel terrible if they knew someone took their life because of something you said to them. I don't want to be someone's mother but please take into consideration what you are saying to someone and how it could affect them. I understand it sounds stupid because I am someone that shit talks quite often but you have to really think about it and say to yourself "how if this benefiting me or anyone around me?" and the truth is that it isn't it may give you some satisfaction in the current moment because you think you won an argument or something stupid but in the long run you get nothing out of it and you could be potentially hurting someone. Me personally I have recently been trying to change myself into a better person for myself or for anyone I have hurt in the past and I challenge anyone who uses offensive slurs or is just really rude daily to try and be a better person not only will you make yourself a better person and maybe go further in life but you may potentially save a life. I know this looks cringe and feel free to clown me if you want but I just wanted to make it public that I no longer want to be a part of the problem and want to help and I encourage anyone who wants to change and be better person to do it. But don't get it fucked up banter and casual shit talk is still a go just really think about what you say before you say it your words can really do a number on someone. If anyone is struggling with anything IRL and need someone to talk to I'm not a professional by any means but I been through a lot as a kid and I can help so feel free to contact me via forums or my discord I promise anything you say to me that you don't want to be told will not be. Love you Olympus. Pandalolol #3676 Also big ups @Skateezy someone needed to post about this.
  5. ummm..... so a-a-about corporal
  6. Link your player ID
  7. whoever thought it was funny to take my admin tags not cool

    1. Monks


      Idk man i dont think you were ever admin :kappahd:

    2. PJ.


      This is why you don't get on @destruct bad side


    3. Ryan



  8. I've actually never seen this question asked before but with the way that the rule is worded by it saying you cannot do it for no reason as long as there is a GOOD reason I wouldn't see why not.
  9. It’s not just an overnight fix but it will in time fix the economy so if it wasn’t obvious. Remove betting.
  10. If someone is only betting the money never leaves the Economy if betting is cut off right now the people that have a shit ton of money from betting and only gained money from betting would be forced to do runs or eventually run out of money.
  11. I'm literally cheating would have never even checked the wallet if @rabid never made the joke about it being in there


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Rabid was ready to see that keycard hit the floor

    3. BillyBobJoe
  12. Yeah making shit up and you know it no kid ever got sAPD at 14 ahahahahahahaha pathological liar saying staff said I lied on my staff app. Yeah I banned you for spamming the N-word in my ear while you were permed from the server cool who cares lmfao
  13. What 14 year old got sAPD? Obviously it hit a nerve if you said something about it and tried to say what grade I was in lmfao
  14. Don’t you think I would have been removed / blacklisted if I lied you fucking idiot? I lied about ages to get in gangs not APD or staff KID. And my Sophomore year was great nice math idiot.
  15. @ who ever said that because on my staff app I literally emphasize I was 15 and kid I literally played with you in 187 in 2016 kid just because this account isn't from 2014 doesn't mean I wasn't here then.
  16. Too bad the DEA will seize it
  17. I don't have to prove shit to some menace to society I ain't pressed homie its all cool ill be on some beach some where and you'll probably wind up in some pen somwhere
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