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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. hmu if anyone wants to play siege im gold 4 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      could be soon i just got out of placements @Viper

    3. Crunchedd
    4. Savage


      Id be down to play i think i have everyone added that has replied to this xddd

  2. Congrats to Dante and Jordan, keep up the good work

  3. Who's the scat gang on s2? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Kavala Scats [KS]??????  

    3. KrispyK


      I forgot they came back lmao

    4. ikiled


      s1: DB

      s2: KS

      s3: ANBU

  4. remember when we all got in a channel and roasted PO @falcon for yelling at a deputy? the old days fbm

    1. falcon


      I remember those days, fun times.. fun times.. Makes me laugh

  5. Well you got time, still got two days on my ban #thanks homicide
  6. PM me the info.
  7. i apologize, but its really starting to get annoying.
  8. Offer good then?
  9. is it on the road? 4 mil
  10. Get the fuck out of here Jesus fucking Christ can you leave my damn posts alone you fucking spastic retard
  11. post offers bellow.
  12. anyone have the 'toxic' meme for a soundboard im tryin to make an echo memetage for siege

  13. coming out of retirement and now gonna career cop :FeelsBad: the kavala charity program is back

  14. when they ask to hear the memes but peter bans you for an hour for playing one of luckys post through the soundboard :FeelsBad:

    1. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Same :( Feels bad.

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Someone low key lifted the bans WOW

  15. when your boy doesnt engage you properly and you catch a 5 day :FeelsBad: massive oof

  16. you dont know what you are talkign about obviously so id recommend being quite and not making yourself look more retarded than you all ready are. if you arnt buying shit fuck off and stop flaming my market posts you mong
  17. and youre a dipshit who cant aim
  18. Asking 2 mil
  19. When you find a great gang shed but ya gotta turn into a Morse code user just to hide that shit from campers


    i love this gaME.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N7Zero


      or u r too shit to find a game.:goat:

    3. KrispyK


      y u roast me like that @N7Zero feels bad

    4. JebronLames


      Live in Canada and my finals are next week, pretty sure your school has the weird finals lmao

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