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Everything posted by KrispyK

  1. settle down little boy.
  2. the one minute was in reference to the guy saying one case was missing a minute of footage. please settle down
  3. actually i think you just like to talk shit since you didnt read what i said.
  4. you know screenshots can get people banned right? 1 minute is only needed in RDM/TITAN cases ect
  5. kbdog is litterally the coolest and chillest man i have met in this community. leave him alone man doesnt have a toxic bone in his body
  6. Replace vigi with a mechanic service so medics can concentrate on their important duties

  7. Started the monster Hunter beginner stream. Less gooo.


  8. my nigga actually traced lmao
  9. its almost like it a rare item people had to grind for, you must not know the black market rl money value for some things
  10. if you dont know who obeymatt is you are a random
  11. if anyone here plays gtaonline hmu i need ta money grind

    1. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      you want money??? how much msg me ur sc name

    2. KrispyK
  12. playing medic is like working retail

    "i need healing medic"


  13. honestly its stupid as hell. its not balanced because theres nothing to prevent it except putting a crate in-front of the windows.
  14. cuddle team/love ranger skin out on fortnite :pog:

  15. @hawk congrats old VOA b traitor! goodluck

  16. props to @Jordan540 and who ever rhino is for the quality rp XD


    1. Pledge


      Rhino Molester? That's @Plumber

  17. Im the web developer around these parts get your own territory
  18. Red zone cops may make more money, but as a kavala cop I get the satisfaction of taking vigi licenses


    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      This is a real cop

    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      I support cops like you +1

  19. Is that true @Dante If not 4 mil
  20. 3 mil for rebel
  21. pick up the epic shotgun they said.... it will win the final 1v1 they said https://gyazo.com/f1dc0697e66d521de4f256f5246ad8f6

  22. started doing my placements for the new season of siege, was about to be plat before the season ended. anyone want to que up?


    1. noah:)


      would but im bronze 1

  23. he didnt lead well, voa was not a kavala gang? we camped diamonds?
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