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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. extortion makes better pay than cotton picking ingredients.
  2. N7Zero


    imagine self incriminating and still proud of it.
  3. how many @Cyanides are in my store?

  4. atleast u get good FPS in kavala, be grateful about that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. N7Zero


      @Strikke says the 1-trick pony using the wisp and fulmin combo


    3. Strikke


      Hey, i have upgraded to Saryn Prime with ignis wraith and a Redeemer Prime now. And sometimes Nekros prime or Hydroid Prime depending on what i feel like.

      But dude dont come here and tell me Wisp is shit. 50% higher energy drops from mobs, Mass CC, the CC does a good amount of "AOE" damage. + Sol gate build is pretty good mah dood. One of the best HP/Healing buffs in the game. Permanent invisibility with no energy cost.

    4. N7Zero


      na try revenant with +245 str and press 2. literally a walk in the park for index farming

      ez money

  6. how to rob a bank 101


  7. just aim for the head
  8. N7Zero


    i practice editing using clips from here: http://chaturbate.com
  9. out of all the pepegas u listed im suprised u chose maj as the one..
  10. coronavirus is a political agenda, change my mind.
  11. Yall should make a Civ 6 tournament

    make it happen now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Millennium


      either way that would be a long ass tournament

    3. N7Zero


      @Millennium wrong, it would be a long game if ur clueless, if u know the right strat u can steam roll everyone before they even reach renaissance era

    4. Millennium


      @N7Zero your not wrong, but it also depends on the map you play and also how many ppl are playing. like if its tourney style or just everyone on one world

  12. anyone tried this game yet?


  13. Remove rain and reduce night time @Jimmy Jarvis THE JUICE!
  14. is it the 1 at the end of the street?
  15. aint a real gang war if the 2x back to back champion @Excision aint participating. Change My Mind.
  16. 198d305d7e6292cb4be59ebcbe0e2a3a.jpg


    1. Theory


      is this that thing where you can stream games on your phone from your pc or am i wrong

    2. N7Zero


      yeh ur right but controls doont wrk for shit

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