Ok, don't think this has been suggested yet but what about SAPD have to actually transport the seized goods?
Some more detail:
When probable cause is given (same rules as now) a charge, time for a seaech warrant to be signed or whatever timer will start. In this time cops will have to defend the house from civs that will try to move the goods. When the timer is up, SAPD or authorised cops will move items and gear from the house to any ground vehicle they choose. Once full the vehicle will go to a hq and when deemed clear the drugs and gear will be gone for good.
Something will have to be worked out with the whitelisting of civ guns to cops so that they can go from house to vehicle.
The reason that it has to be a ground vehicle is that so civs can actually get their gear back, if its placed in a heli it's kinda a free win for the cops.
Kinda like a cop on civ mini fed event.