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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Unjo

    new hud

    Thought this was a meme before I saw the other comments
  2. @Strae*Locks doors*
  3. Real life is nice
  4. DB have finally done it

  5. Hahhahahaha yall really be chanting"Dont shoot, hands up" It really do be Kavala over there

    1. Millennium


      * "Hands up, dont shoot" *

    2. monster


      dont shoot, hands up

    3. Linka


      wish we could report for rdm over here tbh

  6. Borderlands Handsome collection free on Epic

  7. Price check 1 mil apples

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      A waste of your time

    4. Unjo


      Price check on what destruct said?

  8. Dam CCP really cleared up those status updates. 

    Party at 10k pages of updates?

  9. Will clean YoYo if restrictions taken

  10. Happy Birthday @buckie

    1. buckie


      Thank you unjo 

  11. Free the retard @Kedar, its not a lie when you can barely comprehend what you're speaking about

  12. DB civ council confirmed best council?

  13. Unjo

    Selling Kav house

    SMH stream shared you cop for 9 months when you had no PC these niggas be forgetful am I right @Ravin?
  14. Unjo

    Selling Kav house

    Thats it im rolling up to house 119
  15. Unjo

    Selling Kav house

    Nigga thats my house you fake fuck
  16. @i win Server is actually going to get axed without you, probably the best voice for civs out there

  17. Your all fucking retards for wasting time on this game lol
  18. Find out why its bad being the only cop on, literally it's so fucking obvious why it's going to be harder by yourself retard
  19. Anyone else ever said some dumb shit on the forums because fuck having an odd amount of warning points that isn't a multiple of 5

    1. Ravin


      what are warning points?

    2. Unjo


      Good boy points for talking about Arma 3 EULA and other policies we don't agree with

    3. Mane


      What smoke are you crack?

  20. What did @decla do

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheHeroNoob
    3. Kamikaze


      From a rule standpoint decla did nothing wrong but, prior to seeing his POV we can't really tell whats going on, it just looks like someone getting gassed as soon as they spawn. @sploding

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