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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. @ silton  is free!


    1. Mighty
    2. MAV


      hahaha crazzzzy work....

  2. @ Mako
  3. Uh, where's the trauma team uniform that was supposed to be added 3 updates ago???
  4. Now who am I gonna call in for backup when sAPD staff is being retarded?
  5. Support Team Requirements Before applying for the Support Team, please ensure you meet the following requirements. Please follow the correct format or your application may be denied. Applicants must be 16 or older. (Age exceptions can be made on a case by case basis) Must have a forum account older than 1 month. Must have a minimum of 500 hours on the server. Fully read and understand the Olympus Server Rules, APD Master Handbook, and the R&R Handbook. No bans within the past 3 months. (Previous bans may still affect your application) Must be an active member of the Olympus Community (ex: in-game and on the forums) Professionalism on the Olympus Teamspeak & Forums is a must. Toxicity will not be tolerated. Simply meeting these requirements does not mean your application will be accepted. These are the minimum requirements that applicants must meet before being considered for the Support Team. Failure to take your test within two weeks from the date your application has been accepted will require you to submit a new application.
      • 8
      • Like
      • sob
      • Haha
      • Clown
  6. I would be dumb to give you a yes or no answer without seeing any evidence. If you have a video you would like me to watch I will gladly provide an answer.
  7. POV of @ -dante- when he wakes up and sees the open ticket count:
  8. The wiki is a great place to find info on just about anything on the server. Here is a link to the crafting section that talks about scrap: https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Crafting
  9. I'm not giving a yes or no answer. It's all situational. For example, you can technically kill someone in restraints if you RP it out. I'm not talking some corny 10-second "the council has decided you don't deserve to live." I'm talking like the good ol Tree days where people would get sacrificed on an island with some funny RP.
  10. Anything is possible with enough roleplay.
  11. Looking for opinions on my new patrol outfit. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kodakk


      Be careful might make a furry cry

    3. stayclaxxy


      I gotta lie that shits fire

    4. Franxx


      bro joined the paw patrol

  12. $2,000 for the 5090 💀

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Also claiming the 5070 is equal to the 4090 at almost a third of the price l0l

  13. So we got it added, but it's the wrong size. Blame @ KermitZooicide Should be fixed when he wakes up
  14. https://www.twitch.tv/rexo
  15. I made a status update back in March when we hit 100,000 disputes. You all complained so much that I missed us passing 200,000. The current total is 205,707. Stats below:

    1: @ Zahzi

    100: @ PUG

    1000: @ SaltyClimax

    10,000: @ Kaderias

    100,000: @ Farva

    200,000:  @ ryanp


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rufus


      Excellent work @ doubleueyeceekay  keep these known clowns on their toes

    3. Milo


      Man maybe @ milos inflated dev2 ego  is just washed. Didn't even make top 5 smh.

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ Milo  add a stat for most i invented the dispute abuse rule you fucking two time pimp if you wanna fight well fight cuz ill go band for band i bet you my life i have the most disputes for racism and staff impersonation

  16. What a crazy experience!



    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Got to experience the last one in 2017. Pretty cool stuff to see. I live close enough to this one im at 95% coverage.

    2. JoeL


      I looked at it raw now I’m flash banged, very cool though. Nice shots.

    3. Tman15tmb


      Felt like a cloud passed over here haha. Only 62% though compared to 2017 which was 96%. Going from day to dusk back to day is pretty trippy.

  17. Shit boys @ Milo almost got me.
  18. Holy shit, that was a wild read. I am going to miss you joining, baked out of your mind, and starting the most off-the-wall conversations. o7
  19. I found a picture of @ Hatchbacks




    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      this is doxing i would like a ban placed

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