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Everything posted by DopeDealerFelipe

  1. can you also record yourself crashing it?
  2. The R&R has been facing severe budget cuts now that sov's Titan victims are no longer facing constant danger. #FreeSov #MedicIncomeMatters
  3. no way that workd!
  4. Damn medic jetpack would be so sweet!
  5. sitting there with a bomb planted is dirty work ngl
  6. You guys and gals are using a lot of big words put into very long word sandwiches and. . .and the reason for those sandwiches is very very confusing. . .i don't play civ and all but i like explosions. . .and. . .and anything that prevents explosions should be removed. . .but sometimes explosions are scary. . .sometimes the bigger the explosion the scarier!and and. . .there's a difference between someone like Trump2024 and his explosive tractors and. . .a random heavily armed man with a satchel charge. . .im not very smart but i think. . .if someone is up to no good bombing innocent homes and garages they should be considered as terrorists and shoot on site!boohoo you got shot by a random rook banging naked in a bush while trying to. . .LEVEL A DAMN BUILDING! maybe you shouldn't be planting bombs out in the open on houses who's owner you can't check. But since im a medic main who doesn't play civ half as much so maybe im not qualified to talk here but i have a few questions. 1)how should someone engage you as the bomber without having their home or gangshed blown up in the time it takes to message or run up and speak? 2)Should you have the engaged advantage (The fact that they can't fire untill you fire first.) when you are obviously the aggressor planting a bomb? 3)Would checking the home's ownership allow you to then kill on site a person for the next 5minutes after blowing up their house since you are against the one way engagement? 4)How much different is this to the vehicle lockpicking Kos?and if they are could you clarify how so?
  7. the new casino blacklist change glitched my account and wiped my money. . .yeah it. . .wiped my money. . .freak 0.1%chance of happening but it happened to me the instant i was unblacklisted. . .i could use that money XD!
  8. Damn i wasn't fast enough to snipe it!
  9. You had the entire server bro. . .the entire server filled with people you could have messed with and you messed with U.S. DIPLOMATIC SECURITY? You chose to rob the perpetually naked man who magically appears at anywhere there is action?anywhere there is some bullshittery happenning,Anywhere there is something worth seeing? You chose to mess with a man who can summon chaos?The Harbinger of arma bullshittery?The man with nothing to lose?one patient enough to sit there for 15 minutes recording just to fuck you over?The man with no mic yet the most personality?A man of few words yet universally known? Foolish. . . Be greatfull that Diamond has opted to spare you with a ban for i have personally witnessed the fate of those who have wronged that madman and escaped the grasp of the law (looking at you Major pain.)
  10. Don't most People wait months upon months to even get a chance at corp?now im not aiming for corp hell im a shitty cop myself but i've heard some scary things about the wait it being sometimes 5+Months,specifing on a note that it shouldn't affect your promotion chances sounds like BS. Now i don't know how the promotion process is done and how candidates are chosen and i might be completely wrong here but there has to be some sort of Quota for how many corps there can be at any given time no?Given the amount of Po's to corp ratio promotions should be somewhat rare. . . Surely being presented with a file of two outstanding officers in a tie breaker one with a permanent note on his file regardless of it saying it shouldn't affect his chances wouldn't get picked over another with a perfect record right?No matter how you look at it favoring the player with a clean record means saying the note does have an effect but favoring the player with the note would also be kinda unfair for the guy without a note. As for the topic of the question i'd swallow a ban and keep a clean file over getting a permanent note because at the end of the day we all subcontiously like clean and neat things. . .a note means we've made a mistake and regardless of that mistake it will follow us forever,considering that Corporal is only the first loop you have to jump through and each loop gets smaller and smaller no one in thier right mind would take a note with no punishment over a few days ban.
  11. hey atleast it didn't blow up im sure your skills with the tool kit should be more than enough.
  12. why not add a crack cocaine extra step too?extra risk sure but the reward would be pretty good. . .
  13. shane is right. . .those house fire animations are really dope.
  14. I think a great way to boost player numbers would be to appeal to the solo player rather than the big gangs and cartel players for example those weekly events are mostly pvp events geared towards huge gangs where as the solo player in terms of events get what? those small events the admins run when they feel like it now what if the devs found a way to make those events automatically launch every few hours? it probably wont grow the pop too much but it would certainly keep the interest of the few new players a little longer while you guys work on larger bigger events
  15. rip my heli paint
  16. yo ngl a drone on medic would be sick but whats the use? maybe picking up guys that die on roofs or something
  17. wow yall dont even hold me up my nametag must be red the way yall be blasting
  18. my bad first ive seen*
  19. @Penguiny first positive KD medic
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