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Everything posted by Scribble

  1. stay out of kav if youre new
  2. gunhand 



  4. Can we get some 🙏 for @lvy

  5. @CHEESE1 just told me he like a "girl" on insta and was a tranny. told him is forever going on the forums, he replied with no balls...

    1. buckie


      Take ur teeth out Scribble could give the tranny head

    2. CaloomClark


      He told me he fucked her...........

  6. Wow you big softy asking for po test now
  7. @Donni Valentine (Abraham's) balls of steel :kappa:


    1. OG Abraham

      OG Abraham

      shut up scribble youre just mad im such a thug

    2. Scribble


      Lol this video sure does show your thug life lol

  8. Opened arma today only for it to uninstall itself so with my super high speed 500kb rv park internet downloading 32g game I'll see you in a week

  9. Congratulations you just signed your perm PO rank
  10. Is this involved with the situation or involved in the processing?
  11. cops on security duty today


  12. We will be using the TeamSpeak gang wars rooms use the “wait for pull room”
  13. OH NO corporal @Monks congrats

  14. Lol your 200 hours is nowhere near the big boys lol
  15. look, I don’t want to talk about it, ok
  16. 4 1/2 Next event we will be doing time trials on farming simulator 19
  17. Or don’t play
  18. Agreed but it’s hot so might as well make money free money and ts tags
  19. It’s all we got to work with we can’t make it custom plus doing that falls under meta
  20. I must of been bugged when it happened then like @Montez running around killing mid vote cuz that’s suppose to happen right? Fixed 10 people and on only 4 complete all tasks before everyone is killed or voted off. so say I’m the killer. And you do 3 of the 10 tasks all 3 rounds that’s 9 total for you and and jig does 5 tasks on all 3 then he gets 15. the way we’ve been playing, we’ve hardly ever completed every task before the imposter is figured out
  21. I’ve been able to unless I was just bugged that how I found out about it
  22. yes they can unless they updated it in the last 2 days
  23. the fake tasks you can actually complete
  24. made them like that for point cuz the impostors have to do tasks and kill so if we only had a few tasks it wouldnt be fair and everyone has been playing with most of these settings all week minus the tasks ones
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