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Everything posted by Bow

  1. excuse me sir this is a maximum tumblr safe-zone, im gonna have to censor that.
  2. I have sinned, help me father
  3. Wait lol, when did I post this screenshot and where? I remember taking it
  4. Bow


    Welcome friend, I shall accept chocolate at any time
  5. You can't tell them everything we can do or they'll get suspicious at all of those "arma bugs"
  6. Your rating is too generous
  7. +3 for the music you put in, 6/10 editing. btw, staff can't TP to specific heights or to the top of buildings, we get stuck inside of them... so -9 for your logic In total, I r8 -6/10 for this video.
  8. I think you misunderstood me.
  9. holy fuck I'm definitely in favor of a M4 Scorcher for deputies though, I'll be laughing my fucking ass off as howitzer's are fucking raining down on Kavala. That would be the funniest shit ever.
  10. Random words My first which I joined MC with was Right Angled Pencil, ever since then, new session a new word.
  11. Selling @Grandma Gary's IP, but only the first octet.
  12. All situations.
  13. Armed huron should be going for like $50m
  14. AK-12 is shit, I don't know if you know but a long time ago the gun was nerfed. Regarding the 3-1, its actually a thing in the script now so that there must be at least 3 players in very close proximity to the officer to be able to take them hostage. But if they are blatantly breaking the rules then you can always report it. And once you leave Kavala you'll notice the amount of RDM dramatically reduces, we don't force people to get into hardcore RP sessions because we want them to have fun, we're a light RP server in that regard, if its hardcore RP you want then you might be better off looking at some other servers that are around that require white-listing to join.
  15. Bow


    they're doing great, clearly
  16. Fancy pants, since this is a competition, been here since first development.
  17. You'd be better off having a system where you can buy a different currency where Altis currency becomes USD. Then every 5 minutes the server fetches the current exchange rate for each of the available currencies and then you can buy/sell on that currency. At least that is a lot more random than based on all of the things someone will definitely do during a server restart. Someone could literally fix the prices of products to gain money which IRL is illegal.
  18. Bow

    Hex Colors

    Can't fix something that isn't already there.
  19. Well, it could be a mod that wasn't required and would only change textures for vehicles or flags for example. Like a gang flag at a cartel which you can make your own, and you aren't required to have the mod to join, but having the mod will allow you to see those extra textures. Not having the mod would just revert them to a plain regular texture.
  20. @McDili PLEASE, Kavala needs this...
  21. Sir you know thats an illegal... BANG BANG BANG
  22. For real this time @Mercury might be being nuked right now... We heard sirens in the meeting followed by

    <23:13:18> "Mercury" dropped (connection lost)

  23. Thanks, ares took the $14m and put it in my account, I sold the house so you better go grab it fast =)
  24. I think we've lost @Mercury "GUYS I HEARD A LOUD BANG, I FELT IT IN MY CHEST"

    <16:50:08> "Mercury" dropped (connection lost)

    1. Mercury


      Nah were good, for now.


    2. Dangus


      Lol. Mercury needs to ease back on the day drinking. Or is it night time in Korea? Btw, I reccomend leaving Korea, who know, a 21,600 lb bomb might be dropped on you

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Yup! Racist Trump at your service ;) 

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