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Everything posted by Majed

  1. https://gyazo.com/bae39a6930a63a04a4d1417d23d4f213 pm me offers.
  2. please pm me with screenshot and price
  3. i have $540 dollars , i want to buy the i7 7700k is it good , or should i buy the i9?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      i9 isn’t for gaming. It’s meant for media creation. The i7 will have better gaming performance because it’ll have high clock speeds. 

    3. Apathy


      Get the i7  if you dont have an ssd I would highly recommend investing in one

    4. Kamikaze
  4. https://gyazo.com/71370db49de06f0f53056a231ee6e9b8 offer me
  5. http://prntscr.com/hxuc7i 4 mill
  6. Oh damn didnt see that my internet slow af 4.6 mill sounds cool?
  7. are you selling or buying or what?
  8. i thought it was an ipad xd
  9. https://prnt.sc/hmxnxf Pc specs 2X Power Supply 1380w +2 250w For GPU Core 2 due 3.16 GTX 460 1gb 4gb ddr2 256 hdd Screen: LG FLATRON 775FT 2 mov 2650X1024 on 80Hz im broke af
  10. i see people in their gameplays on pubg they have their scope 2x so small like this http://prntscr.com/hkbe4b

    can someone tell me how to do it?

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