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Everything posted by jdawg2250

  1. Who wants to go golfing?

  2. It cost 37k just to pull out that's double my bank account
  3. You got a seaman tag I think I would be happy.
  4. How do you drink said fireball. It will just go out in your mouth
  5. I logged in @Merry Lemon and @cryptic_angel1 said here's some money buy a backpack were doing a cocaine run.
  6. Hi m8
  7. +1 good post
  8. I want a kool song!
  9. Enter
  10. The down-vote thing is aids...


    I love it.

  11. I cant even explain how happy I am with the new updates and TS etc. All of it is making the game look so much better. Great job to everyone working on it, and thanks :)

  12. Grats on Designer!

  13. New profile pic I see

    1. Lemon



  14. H@ppy Birthday m8 :bender-dance:

  15. Happy Birthday 102 Years. GG

  16. How much I don't make offers
  17. 07 Sad to see people leave but have fun
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