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darn fool

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Everything posted by darn fool

  1. He's right @Zahzi
  2. Wtf @Ryan owns the server? Lmao good shit

  3. People can't sell money now. A lot of people have been thrown out into unemployment. 

  4. The blues won the stanley cup

    1. Ziggyuwu


      you're a bit late on that one bud

    2. -dante-


      But they’re not back to back champs 

    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      Dante listen, buddy, you know why the sharks stopped showing up and the Bruins gave up? They didn't know we weren't fucking around. I guarantee 10 straight cups back to St. Louis 

  5. Who owns this bitch now

    1. Aress


      Me muhahahahaha

  6. Jesus Christ you know how aids it would be to have a fuck ton of deputies in the same channel What were you thinking
  7. @Ryan You better unlock that post

    1. Ryan


      Which post?

    2. D Ganja
    3. darn fool

      darn fool

      The giveaway post. How am I supposed to fight people with words if all the most viewed topics are locked.

  8. If you're reading this














    You're gay

  9. Who in tf gave this guy mod wtf

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      thats what im sayin smh

    3. hawk


      Honestly I don't know who would trust this "hawk" guy :Kappa:

    4. sped


      kids a retard lmao

  10. I hate nickels

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      nickels are shit, I'd rather carry 10 pennies than let one of those slimy fucks near my wallet.

    2. darn fool
  11. Dick
  12. You look like a nickel

  13. He's right ya know
  14. @retarded cow
  15. Grandma must be hungry
  16. @hawk


    Does this mean if I reapply and make my times once every 2 months I won't get removed?

  17. Y i k e s
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