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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. I never use them anyway. If I would've lethaled that medic the leprechauns wouldn't of stole me gold
  2. I should've lethaled that medic just like I did your ass
  3. Get back on cop Mobundo and leave the rap life behind
  4. just take a break fluffyteddy and come back in a week or two

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Dejay


      It smells like a bull has been shitting all over this post.. fluffy you might want to listen instead of argue, especially with clemenza <3

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      To sum up this situation, i came out on top as a winner cause i did not let him win.. Yes i respect Clemenza for all it is worth, and i took what he said into consideration, and came out of it a better man

    4. FluffyTEDDY


      And john if you left me in restrains cause i shot at you i would do the best out the situation and yell for help or wait the timer out... He broker a rule and told me that i was totally in the wrong, he was right and even said that he had spoken with the APD about it and that they had said he was in the right... i later figured out that he had not spoken to the APD and that Pink gave him a real firm talking to about what he did..

  5. gernade launchers in olympus? I don't see why not

  6. No police weapons for the 1st event. Thanks Bojo I will probably implement these ideas
  7. Also I will need a medic to please come revive me because I'm gonna be dying a lot. And the contestants will need to bring their own weapons and gear for the 1st event.
  8. Are you a rook god like Adi? Are you a hacker like Devil? Or are you a complete shitter like Cloak? Doesn't matter come one come all to Olympus' first Olympic games. It will consist of 2 events. The 1st event will be a 1k shot. All contestants will line up lying prone and when I put my hands up they will begin to fire. Whoever kills me first wins. This will be a best out of 5 event and in the case of a tie the contestants will settle it mono e mono. The winner will receive 150k and bragging rights. The 2nd event will be a po7 dual with contestants facing away from each other and slow walking until a signal is given for them to start the dual. This will be a single elimination deathmatch. The winner will receive 150k. The events will start this Saturday 8pm Cst server 2 in the salt flats. DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO BE NUMBER JUAN!!!
  9. can someone please help me with my obs streaming settings. Why is my stream so blocky? I want my stream to look good at 1080p but its so blurry. Please help!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheAntiStud


      They want a constant viewer base, which is basically just me.

    3. Shadoww


      I'm a loyal viewer also :D

    4. Thomas


      I'm pretty consistent at about 5 viewers so stick that in your pipe and smoke it antiscrub

  10. Bring back big bad adam and all of BURBAN!!!
  11. someone stole my lawnmower and I go to start the car but the battery is completely dead, can't even jump it...today is gonna be a good day I can tell

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Was expecting something funny. Disappointed.

    2. DeathDingo


      That sucks man. Hope your day gets better.

  12. check out my profile and tell me what you think of the new banner. Thanks antistud for the help.

  13. He is 12 and his steam name is big black cock...you're right he does seem like a nice chap
  14. I call my rook the spa cuz it will give you a facial

  15. Me: can I have a kiss? Hades: noooo Me: do you even remember what I just said? Hades: can I have a kiss? Me: if you insist...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bakers



    3. D3V1L
    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      This is next level outplaying material. Props to Thomas.

  16. Tell your friends they are welcomed too
  17. Jopple got PO...can we have another fed day pls

  18. I'm white but not take my sister to prom white

    1. SPBojo
    2. QKSILVR73


      ... ... ... scratching my head

  19. the_gamer_known_as_thomas add me on steam. you do what I tell you

    1. Warfare


      I did and you declined me. #NotKnownEnough

    2. QKSILVR73
  20. How the hell did I get added to the mix? Yes she is.
  21. I heard someone likes dick pics sooooooo .i. 8========D-
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