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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. you lied to me antistud you said your bday was on the 2nd. Either way happy bday shitter enjoy new zealand

    1. SPBojo


      He finally turned ten, Hurray!

  2. I wish porn videos didn't have so much cursing, kids are watching

  3. "He sure seems like a nice young man" is Grandma Gary-speak for "I'd totally hit that."

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You sure seem like a nice young man.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cake


      NOOOO trenton yy

    3. orcpoc


      Lol so when you coming over?

    4. orcpoc


      Lol so when you coming over?

  5. ME: Babe, it's really muggy out today GF: if I go outside & all our mugs are on the front lawn, I'm leaving you ME: *sips coffee from bowl*

  6. My dog ate a condom last night. But try explaining that to the girlfriend when it's hanging half way out of his ass

  7. f you think your girlfriend has a great sense if humor, try leaving a trail of rose petals leading to a sink full of dirty dishes.

    1. Fedot


      My hand does not like roses

    2. Tman15tmb


      There are usually knives in dirty dishes.. I wouldn't do that if I were you haha.

    1. Thomas


      I'm not tyrone but I'll fuck your wife...short dick style

  8. I'm bad at apologies so unfuck you

  9. When you guys are done with him can I get a bj too lmao. But seriously thanks for the rp lesson now you can give civs rp lessons and it will be a utopia
  10. I live in texas this guy is a moron. Nice to see a patient cop tho. Note to civs this is what happens in the real world when you start quoting rules lmao at least know them. Also shitty rp will get you fucked up
  11. I thought getting a vasectomy would keep my wife from getting pregnant But apparently it just changes the color of the baby

  12. Ya I'm not a referee but I'm throwing the yellow flag and calling bullshit
  13. I opened up like 35 cases in the past couple days and no reds or knives so screw spbojo and donate me some skins

    1. SPBojo


      FAK U GOOBY, i need more skins so i can 1 tap you ; )

  14. Will do. Be on my team or face the consequences of winning
  15. I'll be your friend add me on steam and we can get that trade going
  16. I have a sweet ass deal for you spbojo. I have a stat track megov for that knife. No scam no bs
  17. Thomas


    I thought SPBojo was head admin
  18. skunk sprayed the dog, ants bite while washing the dog, now I can't go to sleep...I should play the lotto its my lucky day

  19. Fuck am I gonna have to get a new pc to run this
  20. more posts locked up than a texas biker gang

    1. JAMES GAT


      Admins don't like my guide

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      That guide was so accurate...

  21. *hits blunt* am I the only one who thinks carl and fedot sound exactly the same? *passes to the left*

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