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d a k o t a

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About d a k o t a

  • Birthday May 11

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. i miss peter long i wonder how hes doing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      He was doing pretty well on a GTA RP server. Was a chief or something. He had some entertaining streams but last I checked in his stream is basically deleted (all information removed from it) and he’s perma banned from that server. The word is that he retired from it. Peter’s the boy. Hopefully he will drop in here down the line to catch up. 

    3. buckie


      Peter is a bitch, still got PTSD from boat shadows

    4. NokiaStrong
  2. thoughts on buy orders for auction house

  3. I AGREE
  4. https://prnt.sc/clZANThJDwb6
    are we finally cracking down on dpi jumping?

    1. Mighty


      We have always been banning for dpi. Most people don't report it so we never know...

    2. Elm


      Yeah this has always been a thing. Been banned several times for this. If someone ever disputes you for this, just go ahead and send compensation to possibly prevent a report/ban from happening. 

    3. NameIess


      Its usually labeled as an exploiting ban i believe 

  5. welcome to the club, lets hope the staff that handles your ticket isnt an ass
  6. let us build scopes with scrap

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose


      delete this while u got the chance

  7. https://prnt.sc/73uat--_3rOx cant believe i lived through olympus history

    1. monster


      Don't worry at the current rate @ Sevro  is making money, he'll pass them both in about a week or 2.

    2. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      lets hope sevro passes them.

    3. nem0


      just wait for the silla weed operation, sevro doesn't stand a chance

    1. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      aren't you permed for hacking

    2. Ziggyuwu


       @ d a k o t a buddy if thats all you have to say ur trippin

    3. Canadian


      whens the basto 3 montage coming out dak?

  8. fan

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NokiaStrong
    3. bastro


      what da heeeeeeeellllll 

    4. Ziggyuwu


      having cancer isn't an excuse for being a shitty person

  9. add advanced workers pro and give them spar17 as a 7.62.
  10. +rep
  11. medics should have an afk timer. died while trading mxm and lost it cause medic is afk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NameIess


      ^honestly a great idea 

    3. Grizzly


      Medics are not aloud to go afk while on duty, please feel free to file a dispute against the medic and if you guys don't come to a agreement file a IA 

    4. Skys


      i be going afk 24/7 while watching anime 

  12. I was messing around in 3d editor and with the scrap mechanic being a main focus for the months to come. i wanted to see if i could try a different approach to scrap since chopping cars is a little daunting for legals and new players. i hope it will stay being the best way to get scrap. Using the junkyard to the north of Neochori i made a little recycling plant. using the same mechanics as radioactive/contraband (going to each car/engine puller) to pull car parts (Engines, radio, ect.) or even generalize it as car scrap. weigh about 5 each and give 10 scrap when processed or have it 1 to 1. (it probably doesnt need to be decorated since its in Neo to help save mission file space) Boxtruck will make 360 scrap For the illegals or the people who wanna risk more can go to the airfield in the north east part of the map, near the ocean where the unexperienced pilots crash, i made a aviation scrap yard where you can pull aviation scrap, weigh about 15 each and giving 50 scrap. (aviation parts take longer to pull) Boxtruck will make 1200 scrap. Inbetween the 2 is a scrap manufacturer (legal) to turn BOTH into scrap and respectable quantities. off the road a little bit but both ways mainly take the MSR the whole way. nothing more to add to this i believe. Boxtruck will make 360 scrap, 4c full will make 5800 the legal way Boxtruck will make 1200 scrap, 4c full will make 9650 the illegal way hatchbacks can be scrapped for 1000 https://imgur.com/a/wUAx5v8 this is all a mockup and prototype, i can make them look prettier and put more time into it later on if its a worth while endeavor
  13. idk man, i got an extra 30 from oc from 3.2 to 4.9
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