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Dank MeeMoo

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Everything posted by Dank MeeMoo

  1. 13 no more no less
  2. 3 mil bruv
  3. Cs league would be dope
  4. of course I don't see everything but i also see no counter evidence about the quadbikes so i guess we're at a standstill. You have to keep in mind there isn't always sapd on to pull shit like this, usually there is atleast a staff sergeant and sometimes a sergeant but not always. Other times though there are 10+ sapd who will pull 4 hawks so I don't think it's fair to make a comparison if only a select few people have access to these items.
  5. I keep seeing people bring up the quadbike thing but I’ve only ever seen 2 quadbikes at feds before ever you act as if it’s a huge issue. What tools don’t we utilize, when people spam hunters everybody complaining about balance and hawks are only useful after the bomb blows.
  6. Lose some feds? The past 2 days I only remember winning a single bw out of probably 20. Having tons of hawks, at offroads and other vehicles flooding the economy is not good
  7. Honestly if anything it’s better for a deputy to run out of first aids then shoot off all their ammo
  8. What about all the people in restraints i killed... wait a minute
  9. I believe they have already come up with a solution to their current money problem but odds are when they rollback the server the hackers will no doubt come up with another way to do it
  10. Rip my 90mil
  11. Is rum considered salvage in this or moonshine?
  12. So instead of changing it and making a better system just completely remove it as if that’s any better
  13. If we had downvoting we could downvote this dumb post but alas
  14. Dank MeeMoo


    We need downvoting back so we can make it so you stop being a good person
  15. Until they sometimes let us sdar them
  16. I see where your coming from but if this can’t really be enforced why should autoclickers in my testing it actually seemed like my scroll wheel shot faster than an auto clicker at max speed
  17. Doc is now depressed for not getting accepted please let this man in before he does the neck
  18. So can I not even vault through open windows of broken down houses
  19. If I get a text saying hands up or die and then get tazed is that rdm or is it allowed, if it is allowed is this ok on any faction or only civ
  20. To be fair i've seen so many deputies that i've told them to come tac respawn over to me because they're all by themselves and they say they can't, not everyone is up to date with the rules.
  21. i've got a huron if you promise not to make it go boombom
  22. I’m good with that tbh as long as he does it
  23. Or give 40mil each to a mod then whoever wins a 5k bet is given 80mil
  24. @Lex yo in game I see no reason not too as we can confirm it’s not rigged
  25. I don't care about my money at all so who wants to do a 40mil bet with @Coffee as a moderator to make sure no one get's scammed.
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