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Senior Civilian Council
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monster last won the day on August 3 2024

monster had the most liked content!

About monster

Senior Feds Civilian Council
Senior SWAT
APD Officer
  • Birthday 12/28/2003

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  • Olympus Gang
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    The Support Section of the Forums making a Ban Appeal

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Olympian (4/7)

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  1. he would never
  2. I can't believe someone did that to you... @ Kyle @ Olsson
  3. I didn't watch the video but from what I've been told you think I cheated because I can't purchase the DLCs on steam, you're wrong, my account is restricted for excessive chargebacks from back in 2018 which restricts me from making any purchases on steam, I simply didn't care to find where you said it and respond, also whether or not you believe I cheated has 0 affect on me.
  4. While Bojo was head he didn't require us to put ideas on the sheets so long as we participated elsewhere (Roundtables/Discord), so most (all) of fed council didn't use the sheets, but we all still actively discussed and brought up changes in our private gc. Granted some of it is just waffle, a good amount of it is genuine suggestions/feedback on other members ideas.
  5. will pay more
  6. my large friend ben- is actually rank 4, he just doesn't like to flex so he stays at 2.
  7. I am once again asking for a 9.3 suppressor
  8. i had to shoot you 30 times just to trade you tanky fkr.
  9. Congrats you've basically just described what it's like to push a cop hq
  10. You've just listed the 2 most popular weapons in the rebel shop, I could've fucking guessed that.
  11. think he fell asleep and was dreaming a bit
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